Dear John, On Monday, Senator Alex Padilla and I joined veterans in the Riverside area to discuss the upcoming PACT Act enrollment deadline of August 9th, which would qualify them for up to a year of backdated benefits. A special thank you to County of Riverside Veterans Services, VA Loma Linda Healthcare System – Women’s Center, Veterans' Advisory Committee Riverside County, and Volunteers for Veterans Foundation for their expertise and time during this discussion. Since Congress passed and President Biden signed my PACT Act, VA has delivered more than $1.6 billion in PACT Act-related benefits to veterans and their survivors. All eligible veterans and survivors can file a claim — or submit their intent to file a claim — for PACT Act-related benefits now. To learn more about this historic law and the benefits available, visit! If you have any questions about the filing process or if you qualify for PACT Act benefits, you can reach out to my office for assistance by calling 951-222-0203. As always, please stay in touch regarding issues that concern you and your family. Sincerely, Mark Takano Member of Congress Rep. Takano | 420 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC, DC 20515 Unsubscribe
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