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August 2, 2023

How to Help Salamanders in your Yard

Photo: Southern Redback Salamander, Wikimedia user Peter Paplanus

Redback and Slimy Salamanders are two species that you might have in your yard, and not even know! These small animals breathe through their skin as they do not have lungs, and to protect their skin they need to stay moist. To help them thrive in your backyard, line your garden paths with branches, logs or flat rocks, which they will happily live under. Eliminate or at least reduce your use of pesticides. Plant native species to attract their prey, and leave fallen leaves parts of your yard. The leaves will decay and create rich, loose soil for the salamanders to live in.

Learn more about these and other sanctuary species, and how to create habitat for wildlife in your yard through our Audubon at Home program here.

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