Below is a sponsored message from one of our valued partners. Thank you for your support.
Dear John,
This year, Republicans have ramped up their war against freedom of expression and the First Amendment. There are more books banned today than ever before in American history—37 states have now banned books—and far-right activists are adding titles to the list by the day.
Censorship is a centuries-old tool in the conservative battle against freedom of thought. But the current right-wing campaign is the cruelest one in decades, backed by laws that specifically target LGBTQ authors and people of color, and enforced by secret informants and vigilante justice. On the basis of citizen tips, teachers now risk losing their jobs and some school librarians face up to $10,000 in fines and up to 10 years in prison—just for doing the work they’ve always done.
But we’re fighting back!
The New Republic has been a leader in defending the First Amendment and American democracy for more than a century. This time, we’re taking our efforts to the streets, driving to the states and communities that need our help most.
We’re going on a big road trip this fall—the Great “Banned in the USA” Bookmobile Tour of 2023—filling vans with banned books to distribute to book-starved readers in the most impacted states.
But we can’t do this without your help!
Our tour will launch in the first week of October, during the American Library Association’s Banned Books Week (can you believe that in 2023 the nation’s librarians have to designate a week devoted to banned books?). It will be a “literary festival on wheels,” spotlighting challenged books, championing brave authors, and handing out books donated by publishers.
We have a very ambitious goal of sending out at least five bookmobiles and handing out 10,000 banned books, and we’re turning to Americans like you to help us. Your donation will help pay for van rentals, book shipping and receiving costs, gas, drivers, and workers.
One of the unfortunate additional costs is security. The fact is that we have to protect our brave drivers and workers against threats and aggressive protesters.
We need to raise $20,000, which seems like a lot but is a VERY achievable goal—but only if reasonable, literate Americans like you are willing to step up.
Where do you stand on banning books? Do you believe in freedom of expression and the First Amendment?
Can you PLEASE help us today?

As little as $20 will help us reach our goal. Supporters in the United States who give $100 or more will receive a very cool gift: a free “I’m with the Banned” tote bag!
Thank you so much for supporting this urgent fight.
Michael Caruso, CEO
The New Republic

Contributions to the Fund for The New Republic are not tax-deductible as charitable donations