URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Help PROTECT innocent animals and our planet from factory farms! Act now!
Did you know that in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, your taxpayer dollars helped Big Ag corporations to GAS and SHOOT millions of animals amid slaughterhouse shutdowns? The total number of animals killed is still unknown.
This is just one example of the cruelty of factory farms -- there are countless more. In transit from farms to slaughterhouses, hens are CRAMMED into cages so tiny they can’t even spread their wings. Pregnant mother pigs are being FORCED into metal pens small enough that they can’t even turn around. Once animals reach slaughterhouses, their THROATS ARE SLASHED and they’re left to bleed out.
The unsanitary conditions in which these poor animals are kept create a public health hazard for people too. Fecal waste and other pollution can POLLUTE community drinking water. Air pollution can create TERRIBLE ODORS. And factory farms can be a dangerous breeding ground for bacteria and disease -- which can lead to MASS, CRUEL SLAUGHTERS.
Your taxpayer dollars are supporting this cruel, unjust, and inhumane system -- but Congress has a bill to help change that. The Industrial Agriculture Accountability Act will help hold Big Ag corporations accountable and prevent some of the most inhumane ways of slaughtering animals, but it needs more support to pass. That’s where you come in, Friend. If just 1 of every 8 people reading this email sends a message to their Members of Congress, we can help DEFEND people, our planet, and helpless animals from factory farms. Please take action by 11:59pm TONIGHT!
You might have grown up being fed fairy-tale images of farms. Green rolling pastures where cows roam, mud pits where pigs joyfully slide around, and seed-littered dirt that chickens peck at for food.
This is NOT where most of your meat and dairy products come from. Small and family-owned sustainable farms may bear some resemblance to the farm images from your childhood, but they’re being CRUSHED by titanic corporations whose only goal is to churn out more meat and maximize profits, regardless of the consequences.
That’s why this bill is important, Friend. Factory farms cause so much pain -- to our communities, to small and family-owned farms, to innocent animals, and to our entire planet. With so much at risk, we NEED YOUR HELP to pass this bill. Please, Friend, will you take just 30 seconds to send your Members of Congress a message to help FIGHT greedy factory farm corporations? >>
Standing with you,
Chloë Waterman
Climate-friendly food senior program manager,
Friends of the Earth