The judge would likely accept a new deal that narrowly defined the conditions of immunity as not to include crimes such as violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act or other potential crimes.
“Any scientific information that differs from the ‘consensus’ opinion of man-made catastrophic warming continues to be systematically suppressed,” says Gregory Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition.
The senators ask the nominees, “Do you think it is appropriate for the American Women’s History Museum to include biological males when Congress did not authorize this inclusion?”
“We urge African Americans to speak out and demand improved public safety,” write Cynthia Adams, president of the Oakland branch of the NAACP, and Bishop Bob Jackson, a pastor.
Ellie Krasne-Cohen, a visiting fellow at Independent Women's Forum and an American living in France, discusses the deadly French shooting, and differences with how French and U.S. media covered the incident.
“We’ve had a lot of great political victories here in Ohio, but that can be taken away from us if out-of-state interests come in and buy our Constitution,” says Sen. JD Vance.
This is the latest round in the administration’s ongoing home-invasion campaign in the name of stopping climate change and saving the world, all while making life harder for everyday Americans.
“Why was [the indictment] announced the day after the big Crooked Joe Biden scandal broke out from the Halls of Congress?” the Trump campaign asks in a statement.