New investments can revitalize communities that have been historically excluded from economic opportunities. But for these efforts to succeed, policymakers and planners must confront the legacy of systemic disinvestment and intentionally promote racial equity.
A federal appeals court recently rejected Arkansas’s Medicaid work requirement rule that effectively dropped 18,000 beneficiaries from coverage. A new report on New Hampshire’s Medicaid work requirement program explores how it was implemented and why it, like Arkansas’s, apparently failed to protect coverage and promote work.
Many new tech-driven hiring systems use artificial intelligence to filter applicants, but these systems can show bias. How can we instead use technology to support workers’ rights and advance equal opportunity?
What’s a “sin tax”? Learn how states are experimenting with taxing products like cigarettes, alcohol, and even plastic bags and what policymakers should keep in mind when implementing these taxes.
Data scientists around the world are pioneering new data science techniques using cutting-edge technology. Here’s what Urban experts learned from their international counterparts during a recent trip to Japan.