Purchase Tickets
 Dear Fellow Republican,

We would like to cordially invite you to the 1st Annual CT Republican Apple Harvest Golf Tournament!

The tournament will be hosted at Lyman Golf Club in Middlefield, on Saturday, September 16th 2023. You don't want to miss this fun-filled day with fellow Connecticut Republicans! 

Registration: 8:00 AM

Shotgun Start: 9:00 AM

Luncheon W/Special Guest(s): 1:30 PM

  • Individual Golfer: $200
  • Foursome of Golfers: $750
  • VIP Foursome: $1500

Sponsorships Available:

  • Business Ad/Sponsorships: $250
  • Tournament Individual/Campaign/RTC Sponsorship: $2,000
  • Tournament PAC Gold Sponsorship: $5,000
  • Tournament PAC Platinum Sponsorship: $7,500
Purchase Tickets
Sponsor the Tournament!
A CTGOP Golf Tournament wouldn't be completed without Connecticut Republican-themed golf balls, chips, and tees! Get yours TODAY. 
CTGOP Golf Ball Set
CTGOP Golf Gift Set
**NOTE: Business Sponsorships are not available for purchase online- please inquire with the CTGOP Team at [email protected] or 860-426-1920 if you are interested in purchasing a business or corporate ad/sponsorship.
Paid for by Connecticut Republicans.
Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

Our mailing address is:
98 Washington St, Suite 203
Middletown, Connecticut

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