August 1, 2023

Young People Play an Important Role in Democracy

Engaging in action to make positive change in our communities is the next step beyond learning about voting rights and civic responsibilities. When young people recognize the possibilities of power and engagement, they can become change agents in their communities. These two new articles for young people provide tips for becoming involved in our communities and encouraging others to vote.

A Letter to Young People on Your Power to Effect Change

Written as a letter speaking directly to young people, this new resource by Anthony Conwright provides recommendations to recognize the possibilities of the power of the vote and encourage friends and family to engage in civic action.

Share this article with the young people in your life and remind them: “As you engage in the struggle of democracy, remember that young people have always made history.”

Promote and Model Civic Responsibility

It’s one thing to learn about voting rights and civic responsibilities; it’s another to engage in action to make positive change in our communities. This new short article by Coshandra Dillard provides tips for civic engagement and encourages us all to model civic responsibility.

“Young people have always been at the forefront of these movements, grounding the work in core values of diversity and inclusion.”

Resource Spotlight:

Staff Picks

What We’re Watching

Otis’ Dream is a short docufilm from Unashamed Media Group based on the true story of Otis Moss Sr.’s determination to vote in Georgia in 1946 amid widespread voter suppression. Moss was turned away from three polling places, and he walked more than 15 miles attempting to exercise his right to vote. Although Moss never officially cast a ballot before his death, he passed his persistence and inherent civic action on to his son, grandson and great-grandson—who all participate in the film. This must-watch docufilm uplifts the importance of civic engagement and reminds us that, as voter suppression continues in the United States, we must #VoteTheDream. Read more at Otis’ Dream, which includes valuable resources on voting rights.
(14 min.) Available on YouTube  •  Middle and High School

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