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Tell the State Department and DHS not to admit Israel into the Visa Waiver Program

Dear Email,

As mentioned yesterday, the U.S. and Israel signed an MOU last week to facilitate Israel’s entry into the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). Israel is currently undergoing a 30-45 day trial period to test its eligibility to enter the program. 

The MOU does not provide full reciprocal visa-free entry for all U.S. citizens and nationals to Israel and all ports of entry controlled by Israel. American citizens with Gaza IDs have been repeatedly denied entry through Ben Gurion Airport. This clearly indicates that the U.S. is allowing Israel to enforce discriminatory policies at the expense of American citizens. Therefore, this MOU cannot be the basis for admitting Israel into the VWP. 

Sign this petition highlighting the issues with the MOU between Israel and the U.S., and demand the State Department and Department of Homeland Security not to admit Israel into the Visa Waiver Program.

Ps.  Tune in to our joint webinar, “Legitimizing Apartheid: Why Israel is Not Eligible for the Visa Waiver Program,” on this issue tomorrow, Wednesday, August 2nd, at 3 PM EST, to learn more.

Please be sure to encourage your loved ones to sign the petition as well! The most effective way to create impact is through community and consistency.

Thank you for taking action for Palestine.

In solidarity,
Ayah Ziyadeh
Advocacy Director

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging & educating Americans on Palestinian rights and the Israeli occupation. AMP is a premier national organization in the Palestine solidarity movement.


American Muslims for Palestine
6404 Seven Corners Place Ste N | Falls Church, Virginia 22044
703.534.3032 | [email protected]

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