Your Intentions Three Holy Masses, Aug. 4-6

Dear Friend,
The Solemnity of the
Transfiguration of the Lord appears two times in the Church Calendar.
On the Second Sunday of Lent and August 6. There are many Catholic
Churches of the Transfiguration around the world. The most famous is
located on Mount Tabor in Israel, that is led by the Franciscans. St.
Pope John Paul II dedicated the fourth decade of the Luminous
Mysteries (also known as Mysteries of Light) to the
This year, the liturgy for the
Transfiguration of the Lord falls on a Sunday. Therefore, this
solemnity has precedence over Sundays of ordinary time, as well as
Sundays after Pentecost (TLM).
The Transfiguration – the brilliant
light shining from the face of Jesus, is one moment in the life of the
apostles, that prepares them for the trials ahead. It is a foretaste
of the glory that will be theirs in the Kingdom of God. This moment,
forever embedded in their minds, will help them to endure the passion,
crucifixion and death of Jesus.
As Jesus reveals His glorified face
to Peter, James and John, so shall we seek His face during our trials,
tribulations and difficulties while proclaiming: “Oh Lord, let the
light of your countenance shine upon me!”
With the nonstop escalation of the
cost of living, dangerous heat waves, the killing of the pre-born
being pushed as reproductive health, and the word “trans” aggressively
being mentioned in today’s secular culture, we need to only gaze at
the face of Jesus to strengthen us, asking God to pour His divine
light into our hearts.
In honor of the great Solemnity of
the Transfiguration, three Holy Masses will be offered on August 4, 5
and on the Feast day, August 6, for all intentions that will be
submitted. Please click below to include all of your petitions for you
and your loved ones. Be sure to include a petition for the needs of
Cardinal Burke, as well as for his continued good health.
Beginning on August 4, you will
receive short meditations and a prayer that will enlighten your inner
May we contemplate the beloved face
of Jesus and long to be like Him.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Jesus,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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