Episode 165 Refuse Fascism uploaded July 30: Sam Goldman talks with Dale Anderson, an organizer with Choose Democracy Now
about what’s happening at the ground level in Sarasota, Florida as a
case study of the spreading fascism in the US.
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Dale Anderson:
The GOP in general is moving towards that conclusion that rather than giving up and sharing power, they'll give up on democracy. States that have control over the entire state house are demonstrating where they will take the country if they get into power. When fascism arrives, democracy ends. It absolutely can happen here. If civil rights go away, freedoms disappear, we will not have a democracy if Trump and his ilk regain federal power. Right now I think the most important thing is to talk to your neighbors and your friends about it -- share some of this information and be willing to stand up in a crowd and say it.
Sam Goldman:
Coco, Paul and I had a great time meeting some of y'all last Sunday for our Zoom q&a. We got together with patrons and monthly sustainers of the show. Wanna join us next time? Visit After listening to today's episode, please help us reach more people who want to refuse fascism.
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And yeah, while I'm at it, I'm gonna say it again: review the show! Seriously, that helps get more people into this fight. It's critical right now to spread the understanding of this fascist movement to the millions who righteously want to see Trump behind bars and to actively oppose this fascism in every sphere of life.
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