UPDATE: Elizabeth Warren's campaign says that the first hour of the Las Vegas Democratic Debate was her best hour of fundraising ever. And one of her staffers said on Twitter, "Debate not quite over and Elizabeth Warren has raised more than a million dollars during it."
LET'S KEEP IT GOING. Donate here to fuel her campaign and our work to elect her.
Thanks for being a bold progressive. -- The PCCC Elections Team
Tonight Elizabeth Warren showed millions of Americans why she's the best candidate to take on Trump -- and win.
She dismantled Bloomberg's candidacy on every front -- holding him accountable for covering up harassment and discrimination against women, not apologizing for harassment and discrimination against Black and Brown communities, and being a billionaire narcissist who will put government on the side of corporations over working families. She made Bloomberg look puny, and that's what she will do to Donald Trump.
"I'd like to talk about who we're running against. A billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians. And, no, I'm not talking about Donald Trump. I'm talking about Mayor Bloomberg.
"Democrats are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns, of harassing women, and of supporting racist policies like red lining and stop and frisk.
"Look, I'll support whoever the Democratic nominee is, but understand this. Democrats take a huge risk if we just substitute one arrogant billionaire for another. This country has worked for the rich for a long time, and left everyone else in the dirt. It is time to have a President who will be on the side of working families and be willing to get out there and fight for them. That is why I am in this race, and that is how I will beat Donald Trump."
Warren distinguished herself from Klobuchar and Buttigieg by making clear they are thinking small and would leave millions of Americans without health care coverage. And Warren made clear that she will be a more effective progressive president than Bernie Sanders -- giving him credit for putting Medicare For All on the table, but saying she's the one who can get the job done.
"Mayor Buttigieg really has a slogan that was thought up by his consultants to paper over a thin version of a plan that would leave millions of people unable to afford their health care. It's not a plan, it's a PowerPoint.
"And Amy's plan is even less. It's like a post-it note -- 'insert plan here.'
"Bernie has started very much -- has a good start. But instead of expanding and bringing in more people to help, his campaign relentlessly attacks everyone who asks a question or tries to fill in details about how to actually make this work. And then his own advisers say, 'eh, probably won't happen anyway.'
"Look, health care is a crisis in this country. My approach to this is we need as much help for as many people as quickly as possible. And bring in as many supporters as we can. And if we don't get it all the first time, take the win and come back into the fight to ask for more.
"I actually took a look at the plans that are posted. Mayor Buttigieg, there are four expenses that families pay -- premiums, deductibles, co-pays, uncovered medical expenses. Mayor Buttigieg says he will put a cap only on the premiums. And that means families are going to pick up the rest of the costs.
"Amy, I looked online at your plan. It's two paragraphs. Families are suffering.
"You can't simply stand here and trash an idea to give health care coverage to everyone without having a realistic plan of your own. And if you're not going to own up to the fact either that you don't have a plan or that your plan is going to leave people without healthcare coverage, full coverage, then you need to say so."
Tonight, Elizabeth Warren showed America that it would look like to have her on the debate stage against Donald Trump. She dominated.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The Progressive Change Campaign Committee
P.S. These Tweets tell a BIG story about tonight that everyone should see. Can you RT them all?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.
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