A Note From the Desk of Congresswoman Letlow
It’s been a busy summer season kicking things off back home to spend much needed quality time across the district making numerous visits to hear from constituents and local leaders about community business updates, new projects, and expanding opportunities for the Fifth District. It felt so good to be back home with all of you! Making the return to Washington, we prioritized reigning in government spending, protecting the integrity of our schools, supporting our servicemembers, and strengthening our support for our allies abroad.
As we continue the work ahead for the next month, my top priority remains clear in moving forward with conservative solutions in Congress – focusing on access to education, combatting government overreach from the Biden Administration, and continuing to be a fiscal watchdog for the Fifth District.
Please feel free to always reach out directly when you have questions, comments, or concerns. Our team is also always accessible to you through this newsletter and our website. We are here to serve you.
Julia Letlow, Ph.D.
Member of Congress
This Month’s Legislative Update
Floor and Committee Activity:
- July has been a productive month in Washington DC, and the Appropriations Committee has been working hard on appropriations bills that would directly benefit Louisiana. We advanced 4 more funding bills to bring millions of dollars back home to our district for our local water systems, roads, ports, and airports. These bills would prioritize critical funding for the Fifth District of Louisiana while cutting wasteful and duplicative spending.
- I supported the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act, which grows the aviation workforce, improves the flight experience for passengers, and preserves America’s status as the gold standard in aviation safety.
- I supported the FY2024 National Defense Reauthorization Act (NDAA), which supports our servicemembers and their families, equips the United States to be prepared against its adversaries, and strengthens oversight and accountability at the Pentagon.
- I supported H.R. 3941, The Schools Not Shelters Act, to keep our children’s schools a safe place of learning and not a housing option for illegal immigrants. As a lifelong learner and former educator, protecting the integrity of schools hits close to home for me.
Notable Bill:
- I take the security of Americans’ financial information seriously, which is why I co-sponsored H.R. 1122, The Central Bank Digital Currency Anti-Surveillance Act. This bill would prevent the federal government from issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) that strips Americans of their right to financial privacy. I will continue to hold the Federal Reserve accountable to Congress.
Grants Headed to the Fifth District
The Fifth District is always generating new and innovative ideas, and I’m thrilled to be a part of the process to make sure they get the funding they need. This month, I announced $16 million for various projects in the District. Read my press release below for more details:
For more information on the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe grant, visit the Economic Development (EDA) website.
Fifth District Roundtable Roundup
While I was back home, my stops included a meeting with the Central Louisiana Chamber of Commerce and roundtables in New Roads, Hammond, Washington Parish, Monroe, Ruston, Caldwell Parish, Catahoula, and LaSalle Parish. I heard from so many Louisianans on the economic enhancements and new infrastructure opportunities that will keep Louisiana growing.
Touring Local Businesses of the Fifth
Columbia Port in Caldwell Parish
I stopped by Caldwell Parish to tour the Columbia Port and celebrate the recent announcement of a $10.5 million grant for the Ouachita River and Louisiana Highway 165 Multimodal Connectivity and Safety Project. This grant will bring much needed infrastructure to the Columbia Port and will greatly impact our trucking industry. I’m honored to be a part of this process to bolster economic development and accessibility for this growing industry in the Fifth District!
Hydro Extrusions Plant
Across my tour in the district, I spent time with the women of the Hydro Extrusions Plant. They taught me about the products and manufacturing services the plant produces in Delhi. It’s inspiring to see so many women leading the way in the Fifth District! I thank them for taking the time to share their concerns for our district with me, and how we can work together to make it a better place for our kids and future generations.
St. Francis Medical Center
Rural communities often don’t have robust access to medical services, which makes hospitals like St. Francis so very important. I learned about the care and services they provide to over 17 parishes in the Fifth District and was blown away by their dedication. St. Francis has been nationally recognized for their high-quality care, and we are lucky to have them. I will continue to partner with them to ensure our rural communities have the healthcare they need.
Mid South Extrusion
It was a pleasure touring Mid South Extrusion, a family-owned industry-leading producer of innovative flexible films based in Monroe. The films they produce are used for packaging solutions, industrial manufacturing, and consumer goods. They bring great value to the state, both to our economy and our workforce.
Local News from the Fifth:
Back to Washington D.C.
Local Leaders
My friends from the Louisiana Farm Bureau met with me in D.C. to discuss the H-2A Adverse Effect Wage Rate and the challenges our farmers are facing today. This rule led by the Biden Administration is highly detrimental to Louisiana agriculture and has created a firestorm throughout the U.S. Ag industry. Louisiana’s agriculture industry could not be more vital, and those keeping it running need to be protected and treated fairly.
Bollinger Shipyard execs traveled to D.C. to meet with me to discuss their projects and what they are doing for Louisiana. Bollinger Shipyard is a leader in shipbuilding, and we are fortunate that they are based right here in Louisiana to help support the Gulf and beyond. They really do it all. From building Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters or offshore oil support vessels, Bollinger’s work is vital to Louisiana’s shipbuilding industry and workforce.
Continuing Cotton Commodities
I took some time to also meet with the National Cotton Council. Their goal is to bring individuals in the cotton industry together to work through issues they are experiencing and finding solutions. Cotton is one of Louisiana’s important commodities that contributes to everything from the clothes we wear to the food we eat. I’m looking forward to continuing our work to support our textile industries and the hard working people who keep it going.
Healthcare Heroes
It was a pleasure meeting with folks from Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, part of the Franciscan Missionaries of our Lady Health System that provide quality healthcare and life saving services for the Fifth District. Healthcare is a critical need in our rural communities and fighting to improve healthcare options is my first priority. I will also continue to put a focus on improving healthcare access.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Women in Politics
One of my greatest passions is inspiring young women to lead. That is why I jumped at the opportunity to speak to over 100 young women who either already are or want to get involved in politics. Right now, the women in the U.S. House of Representatives make up just under 30% of the total members - much too low in my opinion! Women deserve a seat at every table, and I want them to believe in themselves and embrace their unique strengths.
Keeping Louisiana a Sportsman’s Paradise
I spoke with Ducks Unlimited and folks from the oil and gas industry to hear about their work to protect our wetlands. Wetlands play an important role for Louisianans, and we need partnerships that are focused on preserving our ecosystems and keeping Louisiana a sportsman’s paradise!
Survey Question
Several national media polls are indicating that the majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction our country is headed economically.
I want to hear directly from you and what is affecting your household and families back home as we move into the second half of the year.
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