Dear Friend,

Palestinian children are being used as war resources by terrorist organizations and paramilitary groups. For decades, their plight has been largely ignored. 

Please sign the open letters to US public leaders and to European Union Members of parliament and ask for their condemnation of the use and abuse of Palestinian children as soldiers.

"Children from as young as 9 years old have been pushed into the battle fray, to fight and die alongside adult militants and terrorists."

Sign our Petition

If awareness is brought to this issue, the government will think twice about funding projects in the Palestinian Authority and these terrorist organizations will feel less secure in using child soldiers, and will ultimately be pressured into abandoning and renouncing the strategy.

Sign our Petition

"How much money are the US and EU giving to the Palestinian Authority while encouraging this terrible child abuse?"

The more people involved, the more the pressure mounts.

Thank you for supporting such an important campaign.


Richard Green

Executive Director, Clarion Project


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