Impeachable in spades. But Post-America doesn’t impeach for impeachable offenses. Just if you’re Republican.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Devon Archer Testimony: Joe Biden 𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐃, Was on Hunter’s Business Calls “20+ Times,” “In The Actual Business of Influence Peddling”
Joe Biden was on more than 20 different business calls with Hunter Biden according to Devon Archer.

Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner, claimed that President Joe Biden participated in over twenty calls about his son's foreign ...

“How To Create Conspiracy Theories”
In another powerful article VDH brings attention to, among other things, how the Democrat leftocracy has focused on the January 6th riot at the Capitol where the only person killed was an unarmed woman illegally attempting to enter a corridor ...

CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS: Energy Industry Fears White House Will Declare COVID-Like ‘Climate Emergency’
They promoted lie after lie on Covid and got away with murder, literally. Why wouldn't work for the fetish hoax on climate?

“Every single prediction they've ever made has been wrong… They still haven't, after 30 years, shown us that human ...

DOJ Backs Down From Attempt To Jail Key Hunter Biden Witness Before House Testimony After Republican Claim of Obstruction
Yesterday, I reported on the unprecedented action take by the Department of [in]Justice's attempt to intimidate and silence a whistleblower by imprisoning him before he could testify. The ensuing brouhaha c0mpelled these thugs to back off.

JUST ...

California, New York Lose Most in Tax Revenue as Residents FLEE for Conservative States
The epic failure of Democrat rule is unprecedented in American history. And these parasites mean to roll out their vicious policies nationwide. As if history hasn't taught us the horror and human toll of communist rule.

Liberal states ...

Denmark Considers Banning Quran-Burning Protests In Craven Submission to Sharia (Islamic Law)
The country that the world looked up to for standing for the freedom of speech back in 2005 when their leading newspaper published the Danish cartoons, when no other major media in the Western world would, has surrendered. Once respected for their ...

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