Hi John,

Hank Johnson here.

I know it’s late, but we’re still $307 short of our $2,600 midnight goal, and I’m hoping you can help out. It’s so important that we outraise Republicans if we hope to take back the House in the next election, and Speaker McCarthy’s already got a huge head start on us in fundraising.

If you’re able, will you make a $5 donation to help us get over the line? Here’s a personal link for you to donate $5: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/HJGA-04-Email-July2023-FR-July?&refcode=E3581-20230731-PT-SL-DeadlineEOM&amount=5

We can’t afford to lose this race — we definitely can’t afford to lose it this early on. So John, if you’re able, will you make a donation (of whatever amount you’re able to give) to help us reach our goal and work to retake the House in 2024? You can use this personal link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/HJGA-04-Email-July2023-FR-July?&refcode=E3581-20230731-PT-SL-DeadlineEOM

Thank you so much, John. 

– HJ

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Committee to Re-elect Henry "Hank" Johnson
4153 Flat Shoals Pkwy
Suite 322
Building C, 2nd Fl.
Decatur, GA 30034
United States
