Dear Friend,
I am looking forward to tomorrow,
August 1st, when His Eminence,
Raymond Cardinal Burke and His Excellency, Archbishop Salvatore
Cordileone will be together to offer the Holy Mass in union with all
the Rosary Warriors throughout the world.
Tomorrow's Holy Mass will be broadcast live at 12:15 PM
Central Daylight Time, from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La
Crosse, Wisconsin.
Here is the link. It will also be
livestreamed on our YouTube and Facebook
More than 17 years ago, I
co-founded Catholic Action for Faith and Family in close coordination
with these stalwart shepherds of our faith, and it has been my honor
and privilege to work with them to uphold, defend and support the
Catholic Faith and the Catholic Family since then.
They are together in Wisconsin
speaking at the Speculum Iustitiae Conference for Canon and Civil
lawyers, Hosted by The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Archbishop Cordileone’s
presentation is entitled, “The Application of Canon 915: One Pastor’s
Experience.” As everyone in the Catholic Action family knows, this
topic is of a particular interest to our ongoing campaign to clarify
and propagate the Church’s actual teaching about the unworthy
reception of Holy Communion.
As you also know, Cardinal Burke is
the clearest and most authoritative voice in this area. As the leading
prelate on this matter, Catholic Action is trying to get His Eminence in front of as many Church leaders and Catholics as
The genesis of this campaign stems
from studies that estimate 56% of Catholics in the pew sincerely
believe that supporting abortion is fine. We are obliged to hold the
line and refuse to stop defending the teachings of the Church and
belief that a Catholic (a) in good standing cannot support abortion in
any shape or form, (b) should not approach Holy Communion if actively
supporting abortion, and (c) should strive to keep this preeminent
life issue on the American conscience.
According to Cardinal Burke: “This
work is to ensure due respect be paid to the Most Blessed Sacrament,
to safeguard the salvation of the soul of the person presenting
himself to receive Holy Communion, and to avoid scandal in any
That being said, let’s take this
opportunity to storm heaven with thanksgiving for Cardinal Burke and
Archbishop Cordileone as well as for their spiritual support and
inspiring leadership in promoting Catholic orthodoxy.
Let’s also storm heaven with our
prayers for our spiritual and temporal needs and those of our loved
ones, and for special graces of conversion for all the poor souls in
the world who are on the path to perdition and are in most need of
God's mercy!
Operation Storm Heaven is our flagship program. It is a Global Rosary Crusade,
organized by Catholic Action and led by Cardinal Burke dedicated to
joining one million Catholics praying the Rosary on the 1st of each
month in union with the Holy Mass celebrated by Cardinal Burke on that
Because of you, we will never let
up, and I can assure you that the best is yet to come!
So, thank you for your continued
support as we march forward with this goal. Be sure to join this
special Holy Mass and if you have not had a chance to submit your
prayer intentions for the live broadcast or would like to update
them, click
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of
Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

Thomas J McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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