Israel’s Strange Rehabilitation of Meir Kahane: Once a “Racist,” Now a Hero to Many

"Few Americans understand the extreme views that characterize Israel’s now dominant right-wing," Allan C. Brownfeld writes. "Israel has a history of glorifying right-wing terrorists like Meir Kahane and Baruch Goldstein but until now, advocates of terrorism were not leading members of the government." 

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I saw Israel’s “Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem” in Lebanon 41 Years Ago

Rev. Don Wagner shares his witness of Israeli aggression in Lebanon  four decades ago. While much has remained the same, he also sees hope going forward: "The future is not with top-down political and military solutions," he argues. "The future is with a massive grassroots global movement for justice in Palestine. A new day has already dawned, and the Zionist leadership knows they are losing credibility worldwide."

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The Irony of World Refugee Day: First Celebrating and Then Blaming the Victims

"The identity of the victims—Syrians, Palestinians, Afghans, Sudanese, others—should have been a major clue as to why people take such terrible risks, only to reach European countries, where they endure great hardships, including racial discrimination, just to survive," Ramzy Baorud says.

"Yet we hardly confront the real culprits behind all of this: weapon manufacturers and military interventionists, and political actors who provoke and/or exacerbate conflicts. These individuals and governments see the Middle East, Africa and the rest of the Global South as mere space for geopolitical rivalries, cheap raw materials and human and economic exploitation." 

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Related: Amid Growing Migrant Crisis, Saied Stokes Racism, Xenophobia

In the Shadow of the Wall: The Life and Death of Jerusalem’s Maghrebi Quarter, 1187–1967

Vincent Lemire, in his richly documented book, In the Shadow of the Wall, lifts the shroud over the Maghrebi Quarter, revealing its complex history and the geopolitical events that culminated in the calculated plot to destroy it. Building on the previous scholarship of Dr. Adnan Abdel Razak and Dr. Nazmi al-Jubeh and other researchers, he brings to light the collective memories of countless Maghrebi inhabitants and pious pilgrims who left their traces on the quarter over the longue durée of eight centuries. 

Lemire scoured archives in Israel, Palestine, Switzerland, Türkiye, the Maghreb and France as he worked on this book. His diligent research is clear: he lays out facts like a prosecutor, quoting diplomatic letters, ministerial reports, handwritten petitions, maps, photos, account ledgers, receipts and objects uncovered during digs of the perimeter of the quarter since 2005.

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