From Jeffrey Rosen <>
Subject Join Us for the 2023 Liberty Medal Honoring Judy Woodruff and David Rubenstein
Date July 31, 2023 6:03 PM
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Tickets and sponsorship packages are available now Jeffrey Rosen and the Board of Trustees of the National Constitution Center invite you to the 35th Annual Liberty Medal Ceremony honoring Judy Woodruff & David Rubenstein for their inspiring work in modeling and promoting civil dialogue about the shared values of liberty that unite Americans. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2023 NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CENTER 525 Arch Street | Philadelphia, PA 6:30 p.m. Ceremony 7:30 p.m. Dinner Reception The Liberty Medal is made possible thanks to support from corporations, foundations, and individuals with proceeds going to further the work of the National Constitution Center. BUY TICKETS Tickets and sponsorships are available to purchase through October 6, 2023. For any questions, please contact The 2023 Liberty Medal Recipients Judy Woodruff has spent her illustrious career in network, cable, and public television news protecting and defending First Amendment freedoms, and inspiring people to speak truth to power. Beginning as a White House correspondent with NBC News, and currently serving as senior correspondent for the PBS NewsHour, after 11 years as its anchor and managing editor, she has covered every presidential election and convention since 1976 and moderated presidential debates. She is also a dedicated advocate for women in journalism, co-founding the International Women’s Media Foundation in 1990. Her newest project, “America at a Crossroads,” is dedicated to understanding the divisions facing our country and how to heal them. Co-founder and co-chairman of the Carlyle Group David Rubenstein works tirelessly to preserve American history and improve our country’s civic knowledge. He has made transformative gifts for the restoration or repairs of our national monuments, preserved rare documents that he has loaned to civic institutions from the National Archives to the NCC, and supported numerous other restoration, building, and collection projects. He also serves as the host of multiple programs, and is the author of four books, including The American Story and The American Experiment. He is chairman of the boards of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the National Gallery of Art, among a number of other boards, and also serves as a trustee of the National Constitution Center. The Liberty Medal The Liberty Medal, established in 1988 and hosted by the National Constitution Center since 2006, recognizes and celebrates individuals of courage and conviction who strive to secure the blessings of liberty to people around the globe. It has been bestowed upon an extraordinary group of men and women; a number of recipients of the Medal have won the Nobel Peace Prize. Recent recipients have included Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. Senator John McCain, U.S. Representative John Lewis, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Malala Yousafzai. For a full list of past recipients, please click here. Thank you to the Liberty Medal Prize sponsors Ira M. Lubert and Pamela Estadt. For a full list of sponsors, please click here. For information about sponsoring the Liberty Medal, please contact Rachel Dellon at   National Constitution Center | Independence Mall, 525 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19106 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Our Privacy Policy | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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