John – I’m Mark Kelly, Arizona Democrat, astronaut, engineer and retired U.S. Navy combat pilot. I’m running in the special election that Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight says is mission critical to Democrats’ chances of taking back the Senate.

But polls show this race is a dead heat, and my opponent just launched a new attack ad against me – the second in a week. And in just a matter of hours, Donald Trump is taking the stage for a campaign rally here in Arizona to prop up my opponent. Our race is one of Democrats’ best pick-up opportunities – and we’re building a people-powered campaign fueled by grassroots supporters – but Trump and his billionaire allies won’t go down without a fight.

My opponent was the top GOP Senate fundraiser last year – and I know I can’t win a race this big alone, so Senator Catherine Cortez Masto suggested I reach out to her dedicated grassroots team. If we’re going to keep things on track to win in November and take back the Senate for Democrats, we need to reach $35,000 before midnight tonight. But we’re running out of time, so I’m counting on your help, John.

Please donate $5 or more right now to help us flip Arizona’s Senate seat and take back the Senate. Every dollar helps show Trump and my opponent the true power of a grassroots movement like ours.

This is going to be a tough fight. But I know that together, we can – and we will – win this race.

Full speed ahead,

– Mark