Yesterday I heard about a tragic mass shooting in a Texas Walmart. The shooter left behind a letter stating that he did this because of the "Hispanic invasion". This is rhetoric that President Trump has been pushing on us for years, teaching us to fear foreigners and immigrants. This has to stop.

We do have border issues that need to be addressed, but that's not what I'm going to talk about today. Today I want to point out that no matter what, this is not the right way to handle our problems. In the video link below, posted May 9th, you will see Trump talking about the invasion. Someone in the crowd yells "shoot them!", and instead of Trump telling these people that's not how we handle our problems, he laughs it off. Even scarier is that he suggests there are places you could "get away with that", and the crowd cheers him on.

This is nothing short of hysteria. The most irritating thing about this is that Trump will make his public statement about how this event was so tragic, but he will not likely condemn the act, tell others that this is not the right way to solve these problems or try to calm down the hysteria. He will do none of that because he cares more about how much his supporters love him than he does about the innocent lives that have been lost in this shooting, and those that will be lost in future shootings.

I'm running for president, but I don't play these games. I have told my supporters when I don't agree with them, and I have told them not to do follow through with their immoral plans to fight our fight. I am less worried about losing support than I am about supporting an immoral act when my entire campaign is built on the principle of morality. If Trump is as good a leader as everyone says he is, he should take that same position. But he has not, and I have no reason to believe he will.

If you want to support my message of peace, non-violent problem solving, and the moral operation of government, please consider a donation to my campaign. We are actively reaching hundreds of thousands of people every month, and we can't do it without your support.

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In Liberty,

Dan Behrman