Do you think the election process is fair?

Tulsi Gabbard for President

Jack —

We’re facing an election process that has proven it can be easily manipulated with arbitrary rules, pay-to-play-style schemes, and a press that’s complicit in the charade.

This week, CNN chose to reward a billionaire with MILLIONS in additional free advertising by giving him an invitation to their series of televised town halls, while our voice has been shut out. But, that hasn’t stopped me from speaking with and hearing from voters all. across. the. country.

Why are they doing this? It’s simple. They want to be able to pick this election’s winners and losers. They’re afraid of my candidacy and what our movement represents — a campaign that isn’t beholden to special interests; a campaign that is truly of, by, and for the People.

In spite of our broken system, I’m humbled by the stories, courage, and aloha I witness everyday. I know the American people don’t have a price tag.

That’s why I’ll keep speaking up for my fellow Americans who are tired of the corruption, the wasteful wars, and out of control healthcare costs.

Now, we’re making a statement: “Elections belong to We, the People.” But, I can’t do it without you. It’s going to take all of us to stand up to this injustice.

With aloha,
