John summer is in full swing and many state legislative sessions have recessed or altogether ended for the year.
But my work to stop extremists from gutting our Constitutional rights hasn’t slowed down at all.
You see, I know that those behind the Article V plot to radically reshape our Constitution are using the summer recess to work on their strategy to steal away our rights under the cover of darkness. You can bet they’ll be ready to hit the ground running when state legislatures convene again.
And because so much is at stake, I’m using this time to finalize my own state-by-state grassroots organizing strategy to block these extremists at every turn.
You may have seen some messages from me on Article V, but in case you haven’t here’s a quick refresher:
An Article V Convention would allow unelected, unaccountable delegates to rewrite our Constitution as they see fit.
Nothing would be off limits because there are no rules governing an Article V Convention. Article V could be used to shred our First Amendment rights, enact even more barriers to vote, gut environmental protections, and so much more.
Once you peel back the curtain and see who's pushing for Article V – extremist politicians, Big Oil, Big Tobacco, and ultra-wealthy families like the Kochs and Mercers, to name a few – it’s not hard to imagine what they would do if allowed unfettered access to gut our Constitution.
And this disaster is closer than you might think. As I write you, the Article V plot is just six states away from becoming a reality.
Yeah, you read that right. Just six states stand between you, me, and utter constitutional chaos.
That’s why I can’t rest now that state legislative sessions have winded down for the summer. But John, blocking every Article V bill takes a lot of time and resources.
Since January alone, over 100 bills for Article V have been introduced. And I’m still watching the year round legislative sessions in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio and North Carolina where they have current Article V calls pending.
But if I’m going to be prepared to stand against the millions of dollars being spent on passing Article V, I’m going to need your help.
I’m writing today to ask you if you’ll chip in and invest in our state-by-state strategy to STOP Article V and SAVE our Constitution. Are you with me?
With members like you by my side, John, I know we can meet this moment and stop Article V. Please let me know I can count on you today.
Thank you,
Viki Harrison, Director of Constitutional Convention & Protect Dissent Program
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. To learn more about the dangers of an Article V Constitutional Convention, visit