Faith Leaders Join Forces
February 19, 2020

As 2020 heats up, Pacific Justice Institute is poised to take on old and new threats to religious freedom. Not only is 2020 an election year, but it is quickly looking like a greater opportunity to protect religious liberty than ever before!
Courts are being renewed with judges that respect the constitution and the first amendment. President Donald Trump has stricken the Johnson Amendment, passed executive orders protecting the religious beliefs of health care workers and employers, held religious freedom meetings at the UN, attended the March for Life, met with pastors and religious leaders across the nation, and used his political capital to fight the rising tide against religious freedom.
Good things are happening which means the people who oppose religious freedom are doing so with more intensity than ever. This means that the cases being brought to the courts are more winnable than ever.
Take a look at the interview our president, Brad Dacus, did with former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, late last year to get a taste of how ruthless the other side can be when it comes to discrimination against Christians and the Biblical worldview.

Now is the time for leaders to unify and for you to join the movement while it has momentum. Give to our work today to protect the most important freedom for a person of faith - the right to live out their beliefs legally, publicly and boldly.

Running the race boldly,

Brad Dacus, Esq.
Founder and President, Pacific Justice Institute