Help us end the Left’s radical agenda.
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Liquid error: Internal error



The radical Left claims Republicans are the biggest threat to democracy.

Well, here’s a list of how Democrats are “defending democracy:”

Wide open borders
Defunding the police
Weaponizing the government against their political opponents
Interfering in elections
Eliminating free speech

Biden and the radical Left are threatening our freedom and our democracy at every turn.

House Republicans are doing everything we can to restore integrity to our elections, defend free speech, and safeguard ALL of your other constitutional rights.

Now, with a leftist group pouring $20 million into battleground districts to take back the house, I need your help to fight back and ensure we hold this critical congressional seat.

We can’t let these radicals take complete control of Washington.

Please make a contribution before the mid-month deadline to protect our narrow House majority and defend American democracy from far-Left Democrats.







Our new House majority is the ONLY line of defense against Biden and the Left’s disastrous agenda.

The freedom and future of our country depend on us defending our conservative majority.

But Democrats have already started pouring millions into the 2024 election, launching lying attacks against conservatives to take back control of the House.

As one of the 4 seats that gave conservatives the majority, I’m a top target for the Left’s millions.

That’s why I need my grassroots supporters to help me reach my goal so we can FIGHT BACK, END Biden’s radical agenda, and put Americans FIRST once again.

So please, make a contribution before the mid-month deadline to protect our narrow House majority and defend American democracy from far-Left Democrats.

Thank you,

Wesley Hunt
Congressman (TX-38)
U.S. Army Captain

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Hunt for Congress, 17017 1/2 Post Oak Blvd, #525, Houston, TX 77056, United States

Contributions to Hunt for Congress are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by Hunt for Congress