We’ll walk you through what Georgia Republicans have done this year to silence voters, and what we’re doing to fight back. 

Throughout this email, we’ll walk you through exactly what Georgia Republicans have done this year to silence voters and tilt elections in their favor — and how Fair Fight is fighting back. Starting with the latest: This month Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced a plan to cancel over 191,000 Georgians’ voter registrations in August, ahead of the 2024 election cycle — disproportionately impacting voters of color. 

Fair Fight is fighting back to make sure voters can prevent their registration from being canceled, or get themselves back on the rolls if they’re purged, and we’ve set a goal of raising 200 donations from across the country by tomorrow at midnight to sustain this work. That goal isn’t just a random number — it’s what we’ve determined we need to stay on track towards our July target, and the rest of our 2023 targets to protect the freedom to vote. 

Donate right away to become one of the 200 donors we need in the next 30 hours, so that Fair Fight can continue our full-scale efforts to counteract Georgia Republicans’ voter suppression attempts.


This assault on our democracy is just the latest we’ve seen from Governor Brian Kemp’s administration this year. This past May, Kemp signed three laws to take over county Boards of Elections (BOEs) aiming to remove lawfully-appointed Black BOE members and Democrats from their ranks, and replace them with Republican chairs. 

He also signed SB 222 to criminalize election officials and deny them additional funding for elections, and SB 92 to create a state commission to target and remove democratically-elected district attorneys and subvert the will of Georgia voters in the process.

Make no mistake — each of these efforts is a calculated attempt to swing the 2024 election cycle in Republicans’ favor.

Make a donation right away to become one of the 200 donors we need to keep up our efforts to stop extremist Republicans’ voter suppression attempts in Georgia and protect the freedom to vote for elections to come.


Thank you,

The Fair Fight Team