EMERGENCY UPDATE FOR Taxpayer: By now, you know that our campaign to save the Stokes 7 lab kittens is under siege. However, our top investigators just uncovered unmistakable evidence that NIH may ram through funding for a separate deadly experiment on 25 cats. Without an overwhelming grassroots response, our campaign budget will break under the unsustainable weight of fighting a two-front war. Read below and take immediate action!
I once read that cats have the intelligence level of a two-year-old human child.
And so I think about the abuse Duke University's white coats have planned for 25 cats: Puncturing holes in their throats. Painful surgeries. Electric shocks. Unnecessary death.
No one would consider conducting this sort of franken-science on 25 human toddlers. But 25 cats? No one bats an eye.
Well, Taxpayer, we do. White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is on a mission to get the government out of the cat testing business. And every single experiment counts.
Including Duke's electric shock lab, which taxpayers have been funding for a decade (more info below.)
The deadline to defund these experiments is tomorrow at midnight. If we lose, 25 intelligent cats – the "Duke 25" – may be tortured and die painfully.
Taxpayer, several cats live in my household. We communicate with each other. We read each other like books. We love each other.
They aren't just my pets. They're members of my family. They're my babies!
And I desperately believe the "Duke 25" deserve the same life. They deserve to be cuddled, to play, to be loved… to be part of a family.
And that is why we're emailing you (again) today.
Please consider rushing $25 – just $1 per cat – before tomorrow night. If we can raise another $14,000 before the government's funding deadline, WCW can do what we do best: close another taxpayer-funded cat lab.
Here's a link to give: https://whitecoatwaste.org/RapidResponse
If you aren't able to donate, we understand. You can still help by spreading awareness to your friends and family.
Taxpayer, thanks for everything you do for government lab animals.
Ann Marie Dori
Executive Support Specialist
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. We're running through our supporter list quickly, so we apologize if you took action already and you're still receiving emails from us—we're just trying to follow up quickly before the government’s funding deadline. More information from our President & Founder below.
Taxpayer – the government isn’t done slaughtering kittens.
Another 25 cats’ lives are on the line! And the deadline to save them from TORTURE, FEAR, and DEATH is next Monday, July 31.
Taxpayer, first, it’s the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA). Now, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is following suit.
In less than five days, NIH may renew funding for Duke University’s sick ELECTRIC-SHOCK EXPERIMENTS.
If they get away with it, 25 more cats – the “Duke 25” – will die painfully on our tax dime!
Taxpayer, my research team just found this lab (and its looming funding deadline) on the NIH's website, and my stomach is in knots.
Unless we take immediate action, here’s what may happen to the “Duke 25” cats:
Taxpayer, it gets worse (if that’s even possible.)
If payout #5K12DK100024 gets renewed, our tax dollars won’t only be funding the torture and slaughter of 25 more kitties...
Part of our money will be used to “train” the next generation of animal experimenters, who will learn to slice open innocent cats’ throats and bodies, implant them with electrodes that produce painful electrical shocks, and kill them.
You read that right.
These government white coats-in-training are TAUGHT to conduct PAINFUL EXPERIMENTS on helpless animals as part of a “mentorship” program at Duke University... and we’ve been paying for it for the last 10 years!
Taxpayer, enough is enough:
We MUST cut funding for payout #5K12DK100024 NOW. 25 lives depend on it!
The funding deadline is NEXT MONDAY, so we have to act fast if we want to prevent the torture of the "Duke 25”!
But here’s the problem: As you probably know by now, we’re already in the middle of an ugly battle with the VA to block the purchase of 7 lab kittens – the “Stokes 7” – that they plan to mutilate in similar tests.
Right now, we don’t have enough money in our war chest to fight on two fronts.
If we can’t raise another $30,000 before midnight Monday, we will have to choose between saving the Stokes 7 kittens, or the Duke 25 cats.
Taxpayer, that’s not a choice I want to have to make.
If you’re a cat-lover like me... if your pet cat is part of your family like mine is... I beg you to dig deep and give whatever you can afford so we don’t have to choose.
7/31 GOVERNMENT DEADLINE: Taxpayer, with your help before the government’s funding deadline, I know we can win BOTH campaigns. We can save the Stokes 7 AND the Duke 25!
Here's why: White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is the leader in ENDING wasteful animal experiments.
We’ve shut down nearly EVERY cat experiment inside the entire federal government.
But Taxpayer, if we’re going to save ALL 32 kittens from botched surgeries, electric-shock experiments, and near-certain death – all on YOUR dime – then we need your help.
So please, chip in whatever you can afford today.
You give. We win. They survive.
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Anthony Bellotti |
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