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Alert: CRA Comment Period Extended

Dear NCRC members and allies,

Today, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) announced a 30-day extension to the comment period for the proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). 

Although the regulators did not extend the comment period the additional 60 days that NCRC, our members and members of Congress called for several weeks ago, the agencies still made a prudent choice with a 30-day extension.

The proposed changes to CRA rules are significant, complex and lack both clarity and data. The additional time is essential for anyone impacted by the rules to assess the extent of the proposed changes and how their communities and businesses will be affected.

But just because we have a few more weeks, we can not let up! Now, we need to see even more comments going on record against these disastrous proposed changes. 

To help make the commenting process even easier, NCRC is rolling out a simple form that you fill out to create your comment letter. Then copy the results and follow the rest of the instructions on the TreasureCRA page.

Submit Your Comment Now

Once you have submitted your comment - get your coworkers, friends, community and family members to submit one too. Share this easy form with your entire network! Now that we have made it so easy to customize your comment, everyone should be able to do it. 

Comments are due by April 8 at 11:59pm EST.

Thanks for your continued support.


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