We Have an Opponent

Today, our appointed Attorney General announced his intention to run for the office as a “law and order” candidate.

It’s a fake label, and we are going to hold him accountable.

🚨Under our current Attorney General, the murder rate has increased in Missouri, even though it has decreased nationally. St. Louis, Kansas City, and Springfield all rank high on the list of America’s most violent cities. Children have increasingly become the targets of this violence.

💰Under our current Attorney General, crooks like Eric Greitens get away with selling our state to the highest bidder, and our Attorney General obstructs corruption investigations conducted by our Auditor so our Attorney General can protect his friends. Accountability means nothing for the politically powerful.

🔦Under our current Attorney General, fake developers like Paul McKee are stealing taxpayer money by promising to develop properties in our most neglected neighborhoods, taking tax credits, pocketing the money, and leaving the properties to rot and destroy our towns. Paul McKee took $43 million in taxpayer money. Our Attorney General let him off the hook for a little over $300,000, less than 1% of what We the People are owed. And then our Attorney General took a dark money political donation from the target of that investigation. Our government is bought.

🏠Under our current Attorney General, exploitative landlords like T.E.H. Realty keep families in dilapidated apartments and turn off water and heat. Despite calls to do something, including from members of his own party, our Attorney General is nowhere to be found.

📱Under our current Attorney General, robocalls, scam calls, and scam texts are increasing. Instead of holding big telecom to account and protecting Missourians, our Attorney General tells Missouri’s seniors to “be careful.”

🐕Under our current Attorney General, Missouri is still the puppy mill capital of America. Animal abusers get off with a slap on the wrist, even in the most egregious cases.

🚑Under our current Attorney General, over 100,000 of our most vulnerable children have lost their health care coverage under Medicaid because the state government wrongly kicked them out of Medicaid, lied about it, fired the whistleblower, and now finally has admitted wrongdoing, but blames parents for not fighting with our government harder. Again, our Attorney General is nowhere.

⭐️Under our current Attorney General, first responders get lip service, and that’s about it. No plan to deal with substance abuse, no plan to coordinate services statewide, no leadership to reduce violent crime, no partnerships with mental health providers, no advocacy for We the People.

We don’t have a law and order Attorney General. We have an absent one.

Our government is bought.

We can take it back with an Attorney General who is here for us, who shows up, who cares, who takes our voices to Jefferson City, who fights for us and flushes the corruption in our government.

I’ve been running for Attorney General to bring accountability back to Jefferson City and protect our kids.

We can have so much better if we work together.

Send a message that this - what we have built together - is the type of leadership we want in Missouri. Stand with us and tell these powerful people who are destroying our state that we want a fighter.

Donate to power our campaign at www.EladGross.org/donate, join our volunteer program at www.EladSquad.org, or just send me an email at [email protected].
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This week, Elad was in Jefferson City with Moms Demand Action members from all over the state advocating for laws to reduce deadly domestic violence incidents in Missouri.

Elad visited Owensville, where he made the case for our campaign for Attorney General. We are honored to have the support of Gasconade County in this race! You can endorse us too at EladGross.org/endorse.

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Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Alicia Smith, Treasurer

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