News From Congressman Bilirakis

Fighting for Florida's 12th Congressional District

In Washington and Here at Home!


July 30, 2023

Dear Neighbor,

As we head into the August District Work Period, I look forward to the chance to spend time meeting with as many of you as possible and to attend many scheduled events throughout our community.  Doing so allows me the opportunity to hear directly from you about the challenges you’re facing and determine how I can best help.  Please continue reading to learn more about my work on your behalf last week. 

Making Washington Work For You

Fighting for our Nation's Heroes:  Last week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy appointed me to serve as Veterans’ Advisor to the Speaker.  Throughout my tenure in Congress, I have made it my priority to act as the voice of the men and women who serve our nation. I’m grateful for this newest opportunity to strengthen that voice and will continue pushing to ensure Veterans issues remain at the forefront of the priorities we tackle this Congress.


Among my most notable Veteran-related accomplishments, I've authored legislation signed into law to improve mental health options, strengthen homeless prevention programs and boost educational benefits for Veterans.  I've also worked to improve the transition support Veterans receive when returning to civilian life and to ensure formal recognition of the damage that toxic exposure has caused our nation’s heroes which has subsequently led to these Veterans receiving the benefits to which they are entitled.  

My latest legislative push on behalf of Veterans is to get the Major Richard Star Act (MRSA) across the finish line this term.  MRSA would ensure that the 50,000 combat-wounded Veterans who have been medically retired receive the retirement and disability pay they’ve earned.  Right now, only military retirees with at least 20 years of service and a disability rating of 50 percent and higher are able to collect both benefits at the same time.  Current law requires a dollar for dollar offset of these two benefits for all other retired veterans, meaning they have to forfeit a portion of the benefits they earned in service. I am committed to rectifying this injustice.  

I've also won national awards for constituent service and have an active Veterans Advisory Board in my local district that will provide critical input that I will use to brief U.S. House Speaker Keving McCarthy and House leadership on an ongoing basis in this new role.  


Making Responsible Decisions about Spending:  Last week, we passed two important funding bills that contain measures to root out woke policies within critical federal agencies while addressing many critical spending priorities. Both of these packages were within the approved spending caps agreed to earlier this year.  The first package fully funds Veterans’ health care programs while prohibiting the use of funds with the VA and DoD to promote or advance critical race theory or implement President Biden’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies within these agencies.  These agencies should be focused on protecting American lives, promoting our constitutional republic, and giving back to those Veterans who helped achieve those goals.  They should not be focused on racial divisions and equity training.  The second package included funding for agriculture, rural development,  and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) programs.  Provisions contained within this measure will ensure the protection of our nation's food and drug supply and provide support for America's farmers and rural communities while continuing nutrition programs for our most vulnerable Americans. This bill also claws back billions in wasteful spending by this Administration, protects unborn children, and prohibits agricultural land purchases by those associated with Communist China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran. Additionally, the package will eliminate all funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology.   It is appalling that the Biden Administration only just recently took action to prevent more American tax dollars from funding risky research that is conducted at irresponsible biosafety levels. My colleagues and I on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have been demanding transparency and have been calling for this commonsense action for more than two years.   

Protecting Consumers:  As noted in this news story, scammers are now using Artificial Intelligence technology to prey on vulnerable populations.  We must ensure consumer protections keep pace with technological advancements, raise awareness, and crack down on those who are exploiting Americans. 

And, with every potential downside of advancing technology, there is an opportunity for it to be used in a way that is helpful.  For example, if properly implemented, self-driving vehicle technology has the potential to transform people’s lives – from reducing traffic deaths and enhancing mobility for seniors and those with disabilities to creating thousands of new American jobs.   Last week, we had an important discussion in the Innovation, Data and Commerce Subcommittee about the steps needed to create a regulatory pathway to safe deployment so Americans can reap the benefits of this innovation.   

Demanding Accountability:  Recent testimony from two highly credible IRS whistleblowers provided evidence showing how the Department of Justice interfered in the investigation into the Biden family's alleged influence peddling to shield the Biden Family from an investigation into evidence that linked President Biden to his son’s foreign business dealings. There cannot be one set of laws if your last name is Biden and another set of laws for the rest of America. Accountability is here as my colleagues and I remain committed to rooting out the rot inside the DOJ and the Administration as a whole. 

Coordinating Efforts to Facilitate the Development of  Better Treatments and Cures:  My National Plan to End Parkinson’s Disease is continuing to build momentum.  Getting this critical legislation across the finish line is one of my top priorities this year.  Click here to read more.  

I will also continue supporting federal research into the development of cures for kids with cancer.  Click here to learn more about my legislation to achieve this important goal.

 Additionally,  as mentioned in this article, my colleagues and I are working to increase screening and early detection of Alzheimer’s with the goal of improving quality of life through intervention and treatment for the millions of families in our country impacted by this debilitating disease.   

Ensuring Dignity for the Dead:  I’m working on legislation to provide safeguards that will ensure that human remains are disposed of in a manner that preserves the dignity and choices of the patient or next of kin. The industry has been largely unregulated and sadly many families have been exploited for profit.  My bill gives family members the peace of mind of knowing that their wishes are being honored. Click here to learn more.   

Working to Ensure our Community Gets its Fair Share of Federal Funding:  I always enjoy meeting with leaders from Pasco County who are visiting Washington.  I will continue working with them as they seek federal funding to support the work of our first responders!   My goal is to make sure as much of your hard- earned tax dollars are returned to our community as possible. 


Securing a Future Free of Terrorism:  My colleagues and I are urging the European Union to join us in designating Hezbollah as a terror group.  This designation will make it more difficult for Hezbollah to raise money to fund its terrorist activities around the globe. Additionally, it will hopefully weaken the organization’s support and eventually render it obsolete. As we seek to secure a future free of terrorism, the EU and United States must stand strongly united against those who wish to threaten our way of life and foster chaos, particularly in the Middle East against our staunch ally, Israel. Taking this important action is a major step toward achieving that moral imperative.  

Opposing Religious Persecution:  As Co-Chairman of the House International Religious Freedom Caucus, I will continue to fight persecution around the globe.  Click here to learn more. 

Learning from You Here at Home:

It is always a pleasure to discuss the needs of my Brooksville constituents with my friend, Mayor Blake Bell.  I look forward to working with him to better our community. 


 Community Connection

I am fortunate to have a team of dedicated staff who regularly attend events throughout our community, especially when I am required to be in Washington, DC. Through their collective efforts, I am better able to stay connected to the issues that matter most to my constituents. As part of my commitment to developing a better understanding of the issues facing constituents in Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties members of my team attended several events last week.  Here are a few highlights. 

My team enjoyed participating in the Pasco Economic Development’s recent discussion of thriving manufacturing operations throughout the county and the plans that are in place to expand.   It is great to see this work being done because it is more important than ever that we support production of goods that are Made in America!


My team was also proud to attend last week's Back the Blue event in support of the Dade City Police.  I am so grateful to the men and women who put their lives on the line to keep our community safe.  

Additionally, my team found the United Way of Hernando County's presentation at the Spring Hill Rotary to be quite informative.  We will use the information learned about services available in the community to help our constituents. 

Constituent Corner

My office recently received this email after my team helped my constituent from Hernando County get answers from the IRS. 

I have been calling the IRS for the past eight months trying to get information about the status of my request to start a new non-profit organization.  Within two weeks of reaching out to your office, I now have the information I need to move forward.  Thank you so much for your help! 

This is just one example of the work we do each day. Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2306 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515