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200 W 3rd St., Ste. 502 • Alton, IL 62002 • 618-433-8990 •
Rep. Mary Miller to Speak at Eagle Council 51!
Sept. 27-30, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
Meet Mary Miller
Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) was endorsed by Eagle Forum and last year she defeated an incumbent RINO who had consistently voted against conservatives. Rep. Miller stood strong with the 20 Congressmen who got real reform from Speaker McCarthy. Plus, Rep. Miller's district includes the national headquarters of Eagle Forum in Alton, IL. We are proud to call her "Our Congressman".

Rep. Miller will speak on Faith, Family, & Farming: Growing Strong Families is Hard Work!

Mary is a member of the House Freedom Caucus and Republican Study Committee, where she fights for conservative, Constitutional principles including the Right to Life, the Second Amendment, and ballot security. Mary is a wife, mother of seven, grandmother of twenty, and local farmer who serves as a voice for families and farmers ignored by D.C. insiders in the swamp. Mary stood up to the Biden Administration's attempts to push Critical Race Theory and extremist indoctrination in our public schools. Mary also advocates for small businesses in downstate Illinois that are being crushed by harmful labor regulations from the Biden Administration that are forcing our jobs overseas.
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New Book!

This fun answer-and-question is an easy way to learn about the U.S. Constitution and appropriate for all ages. All Americans should understand the individual rights that our Constitution guarantees. 120-pages — Anne Schlafly 

Pre-Order:  Is Our Constitution in Jeopardy? 

$20.00 each

Quantity discount: 10 @ $15 each; 25 @ $10 each

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