Closes Issue 1 Fight in Final Week See How the Biden & Trump Investigation are Connected Watch from End To End or Skip Ahead to the Stories of Interest If we don't stop this attempt by the Left to Rule Ohio by Constitutional Amendment YOU and I will be living in a State with Laws Like California within Five Years! With One Week to go 16.6% are Still Undecided! Share this Email with Anyone You Know who is Still Undecided! This November they want to make abortion up to the time of birth and sexually "transitioning" minor children LEGAL - without the parents' consent! Next year it will be a massive increase in minimum wage that will KILL small businesses. They want to force extreme livestock care rules, written by the radical PETA organization, to destroy Ohio farmers. Then they want to ban certain guns, magazine capacities, and force a state wide gun owner registry. The next year it will be "rank choice voting", illegal immigrants getting the right to vote, etc. What does that sound like? CALIFORNIA! Do YOU want to live in California or Ohio??? They have the money to do ALL of that and more is we don't stop them! That is why we must ALL TURN OUT and Vote YES on August 8th and NO in November! Don't believe me! Listen to what Democrat Russo says, or doesn't say, in this 3 minute Debate Clip from this week: Let's Clear Up Some Other Confusion about Issue 1 They Say "If you Pass Issue 1 Citizens will NEVER be able Amend the Constitution Again!" Well, in 2011 Ohio Citizen VOLUNTEERS organized to collect over 546,000 signatures from all 88 Ohio Counties to put the Ohio Health Care Amendment on the Ballot as a rejection of ObamaCare. Ohio Patriots like Alan and Ewana Witten, Caroline Lahrmann, Maurice Thompson, Joe Bozzi, Chris Littleton, Jason Mihalick, Steven Carr, Warren Edstrom, John McAvoy, Jack Painter, Peter Wolf, Kirsten Hill, Rick and Sue Burkholder, Chris Orrechio, Jim Green, Marsha Rexroth, Cheryl Blakely, Glenn Newman, Mike Lyons and many others worked their butts off for months with thousand of volunteer who collected the required signatures out of Patriotism and love for our Great State. Unlike Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU and their billionaire backers who paid "professional signature collectors" at least $7 million to get the 700,00+ signatures they just submitted! Even though we were only required to meet the 5% signature threshold in 44 counties at that time we actually met it in 82 counties and collected signatures in ALL 88! They say that having to get "a 60% vote is too high to Amend the Ohio Constitution." Well the Citizen backed Ohio Health Care Amendment won the popular vote by 65.8% statewide and we won in all 88 counties! We didn't have ANY money for TV ads let alone millions! We just had a change in law that our fellow citizens wanted - Constitutionally Protected Health Care Freedom. The point is, if a change to the Constitution is necessary, We the People will still be able to do it after Issue 1 passes but Monied Out-Off-State Special Interests will NOT be able to do it - without We the People voting for it as well. By spending millions of dollars running deceptive TV Ads, you can fool a lot of people, but to get to 60% of those who turn out to vote for a change to the Constitution, you are going to have to win over people who do their research and know what would be good for Ohio and what should stay out of Ohio! That is the way it should be and by Voting YES on Issue 1 on August 8th we will put We the People BACK in Control! VOTE YES ON ISSUE 1 ! IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHY WE MUST WIN IT CLICK HERE Click Here to See More Articles and Videos on our Website We the People Convention, Inc. | P.O. Box 6211, Akron, OH 44312 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!