BREAKING! Kids Online Safety Act Passes Senate Commerce Committee

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) has taken another step forward! This week, KOSA successfully passed the Senate Commerce Committee and will now be heading to the Senate floor. NCOSE met with and visited every Senate office over the last month to trumpet the importance of this legislation.

KOSA creates more responsibility and accountability for tech platforms to keep children safe online by:

👉establishing a legally actionable Duty of Care for platforms that are likely to be used by minors—meaning they must responsibly design their products to ensure children are protected

👉requiring platforms provide safeguards for children and tools for parents to protect children and youth from harmful content and predatory behavior

👉requiring transparency for researchers to learn more about the harms tech platforms products pose, and what they are doing to address them 

Read more about the Kids Online Safety Act here.

📣ACTION: Call on Congress to pass KOSA and other crucial child protection bills!

The Terrifying Reality of GitHub: How Any of Us Can be Exploited in Seconds

Let’s play a game.

Raise your hand if there's a picture of your face online.

Now, raise your other hand if there's one of your daughter, your girlfriend, your sister, or any other loved one.

It’s probably safe to assume that most or all of you have both hands in the air right now (if you were good sports and played along!). That was fun.

But now comes the punch line. And unfortunately, it isn’t fun at all.

Did you know that, with new developments in technology, any of those pictures could be used to create synthetic pornographic videos or images (a.k.a. “deepfake pornography”) of you or your loved ones? Did you know that this pornographic material could be so realistic that no one would be able to tell the difference?

Thanks to Microsoft-owned GitHub, it now takes less than 60 seconds to sexually violate someone in this way. 

Read more.

📣ACTION: Call on GitHub to Stop Facilitating Sexual Exploitation!

Survey on Female Pornography Use

According to PornHub's 2022 Year in Review, 36% of their worldwide viewership was female. This is an increase of 51% since their 2014 Year in Review. That means millions more women are viewing pornography today than they did less than 10 years ago. 

Yet despite this astronomical increase, there has been little research about women and pornography consumption.

To answer the question, “What factors influence female pornography use?," Crystal Renaud Day, a pioneer in the field of female pornography addiction recovery and founder of SheRecovery, has created this anonymous research questionnaire

If you have relevant experience, please consider participating.

Help us build a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation! 

Your tax-deductible gift stands for those who cannot stand for themselves. Every dollar you give will expose, combat, and prevent sexual abuse and exploitation.

Together with you, we are demanding change among the world’s biggest corporate abusers and profiteers from child sexual abuse, sexual trafficking, and pornography.

Thank you for giving generously today!


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