Did you get a chance to read the email below?
The August Primary is this week! And while elections matter, those decisions are only as solid as the information that voters have access to for their decision-making. We here at Shift WA are committed to providing critical information that mainstream media outlets minimize or outright ignore – but which has the potential to shape our state's future.
It’s our mission to hold our state leaders accountable, and highlight the issue contrasts which face voters across Washington. As part of our efforts, we've brought to light essential policy developments ahead of mainstream media outlets. From exposing the flaws in the Democrats' long-term care tax to warning about the potential impacts of Jay Inslee’s cap-and-tax schemes, we’ve kept you informed about the real implications of liberal policies on your daily life.
As we approach the end of the month, we find ourselves behind on our fundraising goal by more than $1,500 dollars! Your contribution of $100, $50, or $25 will make a significant difference in helping us continue our work.
We greatly appreciate your continued support. Together, we can shift the political debate in Washington and empower voters with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.
Thank you again,
The Shift WA Team
By reporting on these policies before politicians can spin the story to fit their agenda, we here at Shift WA offer our readers insight into what’s really going on in their state.
Shift Washington
As the August Primary approaches, we wanted to remind you of the simple truth that elections matter – and so does what you read as elections approach. 
We here at Shift WA understand the importance of voters being well-informed about the policies that could shape our future. We value your trust in us to bring you that information. It’s our goal to highlight details about politics in our state that voters will not get from mainstream media outlets, because that’s the only way we can shift the political debate in our Washington.
Over the years, we’ve shed light on critical policy developments long before mainstream news outlets bothered to report on them. Our work informing you about the problems with the Democrats' disastrous long-term care tax before its passage in 2020 is an example of our mission. We wrote about its flawed structure, and now we see its consequences, costing taxpayers significantly more than anticipated.
Our early coverage of the Democrats' cap-and-tax scheme and their intentions to increase your gas costs was aimed at ensuring readers like you were aware of how such policies could affect your everyday life. From higher bills for heating your home to soaring gas prices at the pump, we warned about the potential impacts on your family's budget of Jay Inslee’s green obsession.
By reporting on these policies before politicians can spin the story to fit their agenda, we here at Shift WA offer our readers insight into what’s really going on in the state.
Our end-of-month deadline is fast approaching, and we are behind on our fundraising goal. We need your support today
Thank you,
The Shift WA Team