The Biden-appointed Special Counsel has brought NEW BOGUS CHARGES against me in the same witch hunt known as the Documents Hoax. |
The Deep State isn’t just trying to JAIL ME FOR LIFE as an innocent man. They’re trying to jail me for the equivalent of 5 LIFETIMES. |
…They want to send a message, that for CENTURIES on out, America will ONLY ever be ruled by their approved puppet candidates. |
They are trying to intimidate YOU out of choosing a political outsider who puts the needs and interests of OUR country FIRST. |
But they’ve severely underestimated our movement. |
You see, they can keep racking up false charges and false charges until they’re ready to JAIL me for 1,000 YEARS – and even then, I will NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, SURRENDER OUR MISSION TO SAVE AMERICA. |
They cannot break me. They cannot bribe me. And they cannot buy me. |
Because I know that if they can get away with doing this to a former president like me, NOTHING – absolutely nothing – is stopping them from doing something equally as sinister to a private citizen like YOU. |
If you are doing poorly right now due to the sinister people running our country, please don’t even think about donating. |
But, if you can, I trust you know that our Republic is on its deathbed. And we can use all of the support we can get to SAVE IT. |
Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States |
<Contributions to Trump Save America JFC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Paid for by Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and Save America. donaldjtrump.com
Trump Save America JFC, PO Box 13570, Arlington, VA 22219
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