From Rep. Greg Casar (via MoveOn) <[email protected]>
Subject Texas Gov. Abbott banned water breaks for outdoor workers during a historic heat wave?! Take action now.
Date July 29, 2023 6:20 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Take urgent action: Sign the petition to demand worker protections,
such as water breaks, amid dangerous heat waves.

Dear MoveOn member,

My name is Greg Casar, and I represent Texas's 35th Congressional
District. On Tuesday, I was in the sun on the Capitol steps all day
without water or a break, in solidarity with workers in Texas and across
the nation. 

I held this thirst strike to push for federal heat safety protections for
workers, which currently don’t exist. And I was joined by dozens of
workers from Texas who have suffered from a lack of water breaks and
respect at work, as well as by fantastic colleagues like Senator Bernie
Sanders, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Democratic Leader
Hakeem Jeffries, among many others.

[ [link removed] ][IMG]

[ [link removed] ]We won’t stop fighting for federal heat safety regulations so
politicians like Texas Governor Greg Abbott can’t sell away workers’
rights. Can you help us keep up the fight?

Workers are getting sick and even dying in these historic heat waves—and
there is NO federal law that protects workers from the heat. Be in
solidarity with workers and demand the Biden administration take immediate
action to guarantee heat safety protections for all workers!

[4]Sign the petition

I was born and raised in Texas, and I have spent my career fighting for
the rights of workers and families. As a labor organizer, I organized with
workers on the ground to establish rest and water breaks for construction
workers—and we won. 

This summer, though, Gov. Abbott signed a law that would outlaw water
break protections—in the middle of a deadly heat wave.^1

That's why I took part in an all-day thirst strike on the steps of the
U.S. Capitol this week—to be in solidarity with workers, push back against
corporate special interests that take away workers’ rights, and urge the
Biden administration to take action to guarantee heat safety protections
for all workers.

[ [link removed] ]The Biden administration has made it clear they’re listening to the
stories of workers, and now they must intervene where extremist
Republicans are failing. Tell the secretary of labor to pass immediate
heat safety protections for all workers!

Thank you for taking action to support workers! Together, we can establish
commonsense heat safety measures such as water breaks and stop preventable
heat-related deaths in our country. 

In solidarity,

Congressman Greg Casar
Texas Congressional District 35


1. "As Texas swelters, local rules requiring water breaks for construction
workers will soon be nullified," The Texas Tribune, June 16, 2023
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You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you.
It was created on, where anyone can start their own online
petitions. You can [ [link removed] ]start your own petition here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Book bans have skyrocketed thanks to
right-wing state laws which have forced teachers to remove books from
their classrooms. In response, MoveOn is launching a "Banned Bookmobile,"
filling it with books that the far right has banned, and driving it around
to hand out those books, for free, in highly trafficked areas that will
attract media attention. To keep the Banned Bookmobile up and running into
2024, we need your help.

Will you start a monthly gift to power our critical work? 

[ [link removed] ]Yes, I'll chip in $5 a month.

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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political
Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

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