Friend, My name is Alicia Contreras. I am the executive director of CORAZÓN, a Faith in Action federation in Arizona. I am writing to you as a member of our faith family in deep pain for our beloved community, and as a person who has been racially profiled because of hateful practices. We need your support in Arizona. During the Arizona State of the State, Governor Ducey called to “give all Arizona voters the opportunity to say YES to the rule of law and NO to sanctuary cities.” Since then, a set of proposals that double down on the worst parts of SB1070, Arizona’s notorious anti-immigrant and racial profiling law, are moving through the statehouse. | |
These proposals would force law enforcement to prioritize deportations above all else and require even schools and hospitals to collaborate with ICE. If passed, we’ll see kids deported from their classrooms and patients from hospitals. Separating families does not make any of us safe. Will you sign this letter to support families in Arizona? | |