When all else fails they always pull out the race card…
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The Biden Administration is in trouble for 2024 and they’ve gone to their usual playbook – playing the race card:

(Source: The Washington Post)

They are digging their heels in with “our country is systemically racist” and “you can’t do anything if you’re a person of color.”

I’m here to tell you that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

As the great-great-grandson of a slave who became a United States Congressman in a white majority district, I am living proof that Biden’s claims are false.

That’s why I went onto The Benny Show to discuss these disgusting attacks on conservatives from this administration and the lies Biden spouts as he tries to win re-election.

Please watch my interview and then make a contribution to help Save America from Joe Biden and the radical Left’s radical agenda and relentless attacks against Americans.







Biden is choosing to ignore the real threats to our country, such as our failing economy or his open-border policies that put our national security at risk.

Instead, he is name-calling and accusing conservative Americans like you and me of being terrorists in his desperate attempt to regain the votes they’ve lost with their failed agenda.

As an Apache helicopter pilot who was deployed to Iraq, I know what terrorists look like.

And I can assure you that people that just care about our country, don’t want the FBI spying on them, and don’t want the government infringing on our constitutional rights are NOT terrorists.

We will be the ones who stop the Left’s destruction of this country and Save America.


This administration has been a failure since Biden’s first day in office.

And now, 2.5 years later, polling shows how unsuccessful of a leader Biden has been.

Only 33% of Americans say they approve of his handling of the economy, and only 31% approve of Biden’s performance on issues such as gun policy and immigration, not to mention his overall approval rating is a measly 40%.

With a trail of failed policies and low approval ratings behind him, it’s no wonder he’s resorting to the Left’s go-to accusations while trying to gain votes and support.

Joe Biden ALWAYS turns to race rather than accept responsibility for his failings.

But we are speaking up and fighting back against his failed agenda and his lying accusations and attacks against the American people.

We will take this country back and expose Biden and the Left for who they are, people who will destroy the very fabric of America.

With my army of America First patriots alongside me, we won’t let that happen.

So please, watch my interview and then make a contribution to help Save America from Joe Biden and the radical Left’s radical agenda and relentless attacks against Americans

Thank you,

Wesley Hunt
Congressman (TX-38)
U.S. Army Captain

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