Dear Friend,
The first Colorado wolf pups in 80 years are dead. Help their pack and the planet: Donate $27 now and help us reach our $3,100 goal.
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Mangled fur.
Limp bodies.
Three young wolves, bloody and lifeless.
These were some of Colorado’s first wild-born wolf pups in more than 80 years. Protected by the state, they were a symbol of hope for repopulation efforts. But wolves aren’t bound by state lines. The second they set their tiny paws onto Wyoming soil, they became fair game to trophy hunters. Sure enough, bloodthirsty trophy hunters SHOT and KILLED them near the Wyoming border. Friend, how long will we let vicious hunters decimate America’s wildlife? Donate $27 now and help us reach our $3,100 goal to help protect wolves and the planet!
Now, these vicious hunters and Big Polluters are fighting back against vital protections for wolves. If wolves aren’t protected, hunters could kill them with free rein. Big Polluters could take over their lands for mining and logging. The consequences for wolves and the planet could be disastrous, Friend. But it’s not too late to stop their plans. Thanks to members like you, we can still make real change happen and protect wolves and the planet before the loss is too great!
Don’t let greedy interests line their pockets at the expense of vulnerable wolves and the planet. Donate $27 now!
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As soon as the Trump administration cut federal protections for gray wolves, trophy hunters went on a killing spree. Hundreds of wolves were murdered in a matter of days! Colorado conservationists are working against the odds to do the right thing for wolves and the forests they call home. But Colorado’s wolves can be LEGALLY tortured and killed as soon as they cross state lines.
It gets worse, Friend: trophy hunters are killing off wolves in more violent ways than you can imagine. In states like Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, hunters use tactics like dynamiting mama wolves in their dens as they nurse their pups. They set steel traps, leaving wolves to spend their last hours bleeding out in a futile attempt to escape.
Not even wolves in Yellowstone are safe from the pattern. The park recently lost a record high of 25 wolves, leaving only 89 behind. Yet the states that border Yellowstone still have limited safeguards to keep gray wolves safe from vicious trophy hunters and their inhumane practices!
As you read this, trophy hunters and Big Oil lobbies are pushing against protections for these precious creatures, hoping to kill them for sport and invade their habitats for the sake of corporate greed. Their actions have contributed to the gutting of the Endangered Species Act and protections for wolves, bears, and other vulnerable species -- and now, only 6,000 wolves remain in the lower 48 states. The time to act is now, while there are still wolves left to save!
Help stop the slaughter before it’s too late. Rush your $27 donation now to help us reach our $3,100 goal for wolves and the planet.
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Believe it or not, wolves are vital to the ecosystems they live in. They help keep elk and deer populations in check, allowing other plant and animal species to thrive. What’s more, the remains of their kills redistribute nutrients and feed scavengers. They truly are a keystone species!
That’s why each death of this iconic species is a big deal. Since a Trump-era rule rolled back federal protections for gray wolves, the trophy hunting lobby has pushed for even more cruel and inhumane laws throughout wolves’ natural habitats. And even worse, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service could reinstate federal protections for these creatures -- but has still failed to do so!
We can’t stand aside while our wolves are under attack. If even young pups aren’t safe from brutal hunters, this majestic species won’t stand a chance. Friends of the Earth is fighting back to end the bloody violence against our last surviving wolf packs. That means we’re fighting with everything we have to protect the Endangered Species Act. The ESA allows us to shield endangered and threatened species from senseless violence and also block destructive industries like Big Oil, logging and factory farming from destroying vital habitats for profits.
But we’re up against the powerful hunting lobby and their big industry allies, and we urgently need the help of activists like you to make sure we hit our crucial $3,100 goal. Please, Friend: if just 1 of every 8 people reading this makes a $27 membership gift, we can reach our goal and help save wolves and the planet before time is up. Will you make your membership contribution today?
These hunting practices can’t continue. Donate $27 and help us reach our $3,100 goal to save wolves and the planet.
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Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Senior fossil fuels and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth