John, Little fuzzy bees are a key part of nature -- but chemicals are making their favorite flowers deadly. Neonicotinoid pesticides, or neonics for short, are decimating bee populations. Pollinators are in danger, and we need to stop the worst uses of neonic pesticides before bee species start disappearing one by one. In California, we're so close to passing our bill for the bees in the state legislature, but we need your help to secure victory. Will you donate to help save the bees? Just a couple months ago, our national network helped Colorado become the ninth state to limit some of the worst uses of bee-killing pesticides.1 To make it happen in California, Environment America is applying a similar strategy as our friends in Colorado:
California could be the next -- and largest -- state to take action. We're on the cusp of passing a new law to limit some of the worst uses of neonicotinoid pesticides. And it would have a massive impact for the bees. California is the world's 5th largest economy, and if California takes action to reduce bee-killing neonics, it will send a strong message to other states and the world that we don't need to rely on pesticides that harm bees.2 But we need your help to rally more support. We're knocking on doors across California to get the word out and generate enough buzz to convince the governor, and state legislators, to support this policy. And that takes time and money. Last summer, the bees bill stalled on the governor's desk, despite passing with majority support in the legislature.3 We're up against strong opposition from the companies that make these pesticides, and we need more resources to keep up the momentum, hire more staff, and reach a broader audience. And that's where you come in, John. Will you donate now to shore up more resources to save the bees? Thank you, Wendy Wendlandt Your donation will be used to support all of our campaigns to protect the environment, from saving the bees and protecting public lands, to standing up for clean water and fighting climate change. None of our work would be possible without supporters like you. |
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