United Poultry Concerns
29 July 2023

Drawing of chickens, pigs, turkeys cows and ducks crying.
Art by Nigel Burroughs
“We Hate Your Animal Agriculture.”

Soybeans and Dairy:
Sleaze, Lies, Wickedness & Waste


Our good friend and esteemed journalist Martha Rosenberg looks deeply into the US. dairy industry and its increasing competition from the wide variety of delicious, healthful plant milks that are attracting more and more customers. Not surprisingly, this abusive industry is targeting school children especially.

Rosenberg writes:

It’s no secret that milk sales have fallen for decades. A wealth of nondairy milks are now available without dairy milk’s cholesterol, calories, antibiotics and even pus – and its astounding cruelty to calves, cows and workers. Dairy operations are also such polluters they are called “environmental crack houses.”

Read the article here: Don't Fall for This Sleazy and Deceptive Marketing


“Animal agriculture consumes 97 percent of U.S. soybean meal — a key demand driver for soybean farmers. . . . Poultry is the number one consumer of all the animal ag segments; pork is number two.”

Read the article here: Animal ag continues to be top U.S. soy consumer

Personal observation: The property of United Poultry Concerns including our chicken sanctuary on the Lower Eastern Shore of Virginia is surrounded by soybean fields being grown for the Delmarva Poultry Industry. Very pretty fields if you don’t know their purpose. ‑ Karen Davis

“Soybean production for Virginia is forecast at 31.5 million bushels, an increase of 16% from 2021. Yield is estimated at 47.0 bushels per acre, up 1.0 bushels from a year ago.” Aug 12, 2022, National Agricultural Statistics Service.

All these high-protein soybeans that could feed millions of people, probably the entire planet, are fed instead to factory-farmed chickens and turkeys and other farmed animals. If this massive waste of land, water and food bothers you, and you are still consuming poultry/animal products, please resolve: “I am done consuming these abusive products.”

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United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl.
Don't just switch from beef to chicken. Go Vegan.
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