Ross For Maine

We need integrity and accountability from public servants, not lies.

John —

The 2016 election was full of bad actors — but few were as bad as Cambridge Analytica, which stole personal data off Facebook profiles and used the information to spread disinformation for Trump’s campaign. The company exploited Facebook’s indifference to user privacy to spread propaganda and manipulate elections from South Africa to the Brexit vote. Cambridge Analytica’s work enabled the spread of racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic messages to elect far right politicians.

Facebook tried to lie about the extent of the problem when they found out data had been stolen.

Kenneth Braithwaite, Trump’s ambassador to Norway and current nominee for Secretary of the Navy, took a page out of that playbook and tried to lie about his previous one-year contract as an associate officer and referral partner for Cambridge Analytica. He knew the association was disqualifying, but decided to violate the law and leave it off disclosure forms.

Cambridge Analytica caused untold harm to our elections in 2016 and Trump’s new nominee for Secretary of the Navy lied about working with them. That’s disqualifying — add your name and stop his nomination. >>>

We need leadership that’s accountable to the people, but Kenneth Braithwaite is all too willing to sell out our democracy.

Your voice matters for stopping this disastrous nomination — sign our petition and fight back. >>>

We’re fighting for accountability and integrity in Washington. Let’s stop nominees who won’t stand for either.

Yours in this fight,

Ross LaJeunesse



Paid for by Ross for Maine
Ross for Maine
P.O. Box 1163,
Biddeford, ME 04005
United States