We need term limits. By limiting justices' years of active service, we can ensure a regular turnover on the bench, bringing fresh perspectives and preventing the entrenchment of outdated ideologies. |
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Given the constant flow and revelations of sitting justice corruption, the urgency for Supreme Court reform is increasingly necessary. The lifetime tenure of Supreme Court justices has become a tool of political maneuvering and a threat to underserved minority communities across the nation. We must call for change and implement term limits for Supreme Court justices.

The Supreme Court's unchecked power and lack of accountability have led to a series of ethical scandals and questionable affiliations. Justices have been found to have cozy relationships with billionaires and power brokers, and their rulings have often reflected these alliances rather than the principles of justice and equality. Our courts should be a reflection of the society they serve, not a stronghold for outdated ideologies.


Additionally, the current system has allowed for a conservative supermajority on the Court, despite Republicans winning the popular vote in only two of the last nine presidential elections. This disconnect between the Supreme Court and public values, in addition to the corruption scandals, has led to a drop in confidence in the court to an all-time low.


We need term limits. By limiting justices' years of active service, we can ensure a regular turnover on the bench, bringing fresh perspectives and preventing the entrenchment of outdated ideologies. Sign the petition if you agree: Support Supreme Court term limits now!


Demand Justice is leading the fight to #ExpandTheCourt. Now is the time to add four seats to the Supreme Court and confirm justices who will safeguard our democracy and our rights.








































