Our Launch at Anthem Film Festival plus New Films

The Advocates sponsored the Anthem Film Festival at FreedomFest to launch our new streaming platform, ASG.Stream

Jo Ann Skousen, the visionary behind Anthem, shared how our sponsorship allowed her to create the theater experience she’s always wanted. She explains how up until this point, Anthem was hosted “in a ‘theater’ in a hotel conference area. The seats were close together, and the audience could not see the bottom of the screen, which was small and low to the ground.” 

In short, Anthem did the best it could without the resources of the larger festivals. This year, all of that changed. Anthem got its theater and Jo Ann’s vision was realized! 

As a result of our contributions to the film festival, Jo Ann shared that “the theater looked like a theater. The black curtains created the impression of a theatrical stage, and the large screen could be seen from the back of the room. The professional speakers showcased the soundtracks, and the professional projectionists kept everything running smoothly.”

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Our President's Opening Address At Anthem Film Festival

Mike Sertic, our organization’s president, delivered an opening address at the film festival to a packed audience. He introduced ASG.Stream after the festival featured our promotional trailer about the platform. This was a special moment for both our organization and the Anthem Film Festival because it represented a mutual leveling-up.

Jo Ann reflects: “I had chills when we ran the trailer reel for ASG Stream and I saw film after film that had appeared or even premiered at my festival.” 

Several 2023 Anthem films will be added to our platform soon. Sign up here to join ASG.Stream. It’s free!

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New Release: Graphic Novel Series by The Atlas Society

Ayn Rand's Anthem: The Animated Movie

New 36 Part Series "Draw My Life" by The Atlas Society

The Atlas Society discuss the mission of their Draw My Life series:

To arm young people in defense of themselves and their highest values, The Atlas Society created an arsenal of heat-seeking, light-bearing missiles, the most powerful of which are their “Draw My Life” videos. Inspired by a trend among celebrities to create simple, first-person narratives, in which the narrator literally draws key elements of their life on a whiteboard background, The Atlas Society adapted the genre to present stories of historical and modern day figures, literary characters, concepts and places.

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ASG.Stream Recognized At FreedomFest Gala

Our team was all present at the FreedomFest banquet when Jo Ann recognized us for our contributions. It really made the launch of our streaming platform special.

We also produced two films that were shown at Anthem Film Festival: 

  • Paul Guay’s The Vampyre 
  • Patrick Reasonover’s An Alien Proposal

The Vampyre won the “Best Comedy” award in the Short Narrative category. 

Pictured below is Joanna Blaine (The Advocates), Paul Guay (Filmmaker), and Chris Rufer (Liberty Movement Patron)

Our Launch Goals Have All Been Realized

Our launch goals were all realized and we’re incredibly grateful to the attendees, filmmakers, and partner organizations that helped us achieve - what is, indeed - a rebirth of our decades old nonprofit. 

Have you joined ASG.Stream? All titles are free to watch without any annoying ads. It takes 30 seconds to create an account. 

Justin Arman
Executive Director, ASG.Stream
Advocates for Self-Government

P.S. New titles are being added weekly to ASG.Stream. Please check back regularly.


The Advocates for Self-Government is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization.  Our mission is to equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the social values of self-government.

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