Dear COLAB Members,

It is not often that COLAB and the Audubon Society find themselves on the EXACT same page, but here we are!

The Lompoc wind energy plant, like ALL wind energy plants, WILL kill eagles and other important raptors and bats.

Due to their sheer incompetence, the wind energy company failed to get a take-permit which is basically a permit to kill a certain number of eagles every year.

The county planning commission is prepared to let them operate without the permit!!! Which, as the Audubon Society pointed out, means there is no limit on eagle kills whatsoever!

That is, if the feds give them a pass on FELONY prosecution!!!

We have created a video to inform the public of this travesty. Please watch it. Share it. And DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Call your county supervisor and tell them to override the decision to allow unlimited kills of eagles.


You can find their contact information at Board of Supervisors | Santa Barbara County, CA - Official Website (

Andy Caldwell

Executive Director


Contact Information
PO Box 7523
Santa Maria, CA 93456
For more information,
Andy Caldwell, 805-929-3148
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