Briefly abducting our readers for a ~newsletter exclusive~
Someone call Drew Barrymore and Henry Thomas, because apparently, we have to break E.T. out of a basement deep in the depths of the Pentagon. Do you think Drew can take time off from her talk show??
This week, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs (jeez, we have so many committees) held a hearing regarding what they call “unidentified aerial phenomena,” or what us lay people would call UFOs. The big bombshell moment happened when a former member of the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force testified that the government has recovered “non-human biologics.” Again, let’s not sugarcoat it, the government has E.T. locked up in a basement. Data for Progress finds a plurality of voters (39%) believe in aliens. This includes 39% of Democrats, 46% of Independents, and 34% of Republicans. Apparently, believing in aliens is something that voters can really Klingon to.

As fun as this is to speculate about, have we really learned nothing from Infinity Wars or Star Wars or Star Trek?!? Do we really need to get involved with an Intergalactic Space War?? Shouldn’t we master diplomacy on Earth before we take our drama to space? Despite the warnings from 50+ years of media, 54% of voters reported that they were curious about alleged UFO sightings. 28% of voters said that they felt indifferent, so when the time comes to battle Thanos, they can feel free to sit that one out.
To be honest, if we haven’t been abducted by aliens yet, they’re probably keeping their distance for good reason. Aliens most likely came to Earth, saw what we’ve done with the place, and peaced out. Good for them.
Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:
Republicans: we support the troops, unless they need basic health care.
Another day, another example of Republican hypocrisy! The party that claims to support our troops no matter what has dug their heels into the sand over Republican kryptonite: transgender medical care and abortion access. Classic. Yesterday, the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which sets the annual military budget. But crucially, the Senate version was a different bill than the one passed in the Republican-led House – one that included unnecessary and cruel anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ+ measures.
Data for Progress finds 51% of voters oppose a Republican amendment to the NDAA that would prohibit the military from paying for or reimbursing service members who travel to get an abortion. This includes 63% of Democrats, 54% of Independents, and 33% of Republicans. Honestly, just give the military our United miles for the travel expenses and stop being so dramatic.

In a move that writers on Veep would deem too unrealistic, former Auburn football coach and, unfortunately, current Senator Tommy Tuberville (sorry, Coach, as he prefers to be called) has blocked more than 250 senior military promotions in protest of a Department of Defense policy that provides paid time off and travel expenses for service members seeking an abortion. Data for Progress finds 55% of voters, and a majority of Democrats and Independents, believe that a single member of the Senate should not be able to hold up service member promotions because of his anti-choice views.
So Republicans (and specifically Coach Tommy), in the wise words of Ms. Taylor Alison Swift, you need to calm down.
Read the full blog here.
*Spongebob voice* I need waaaaater.
Water feels like one of those things that we should just have access to (it takes up about 71% of the Earth after all), but alas, the price of water has outpaced inflation and water bills are on the rise. U.S. households in the bottom fifth of the economy spent about 12.4% of their disposable income on water and sewer services in 2019, which is waaay too much for a necessity that we need to survive.
Data for Progress finds 39% of voters, including 37% of Democrats, 39% of Independents, and 42% of Republicans, say they pay too much for their water bill each month, while 39% say they pay the right amount. No one should be paying too much for something that comes with the Basic Nature Package!! Wild animals are getting water for free! Who built this system?!?

In order to provide water assistance to low-income households, some experts have suggested expanding SNAP benefits to help cover water bills. Sixty-five percent of voters support this proposal, including 83% of Democrats, 61% of Independents, and 50% of Republicans.
Children need water. Seniors need water. Our dogs need water. Let's make it affordable!! Personally, we’ll be restaurant tap water girlies for life, thank you very much. Ten-dollar still water is for the bourgeoisie.
Read the full blog here.
DFP to live stream the Musk vs. Zuck cage match.
It’s the social media showdown of the year: X, formerly known as Twitter, vs. the spunky up-and-comer, Threads. For a brief moment in the wake of Elon’s mission to make Twitter (X??) unusable, there was a lot of hype around Meta’s new competitor, Threads. However, despite the incredibly dumb name change, the blue check mark saga, and the “For You” page irritation, it doesn’t seem that voters are ready to follow Zuckerberg into battle.
Data for Progress finds that only 11% of voters plan on regularly using Threads. Sixty-three percent of voters do not plan to use Threads regularly and 27% of voters remain unsure. We guess voters aren’t too eager for their thirst trap Instagram followers to follow them to their newsfeed?

It seems that Elon may be taking this W — however, only time will tell. Either way, RIP to the Twitter bird. We will miss you. Say hi to Clippy in mascot heaven for us.
Check out the polling here.