John, the last few weeks have been extraordinarily hot, not just because it's summer. The Earth has been hitting record-high temperatures again and again and it’s not an accident, this is climate change in action.

Climatic extremes represent an existential threat to our very way of life. In Congress, Joe’s extensive background and knowledge related to major disasters like drought and wildfire will help him bring federal dollars back to California to help us combat these catastrophic issues.

Joe believes that immediate action must be taken to protect the environment. Sign on now to join his call to action.


Our current behavior is causing climate whiplash, rampant fires, uncontrollable floods, ruining infrastructure, and taking lives. It’s frightening.

We need to move quickly on solutions for climate change to reverse the damage already done.

Congress needs leaders who place people and public safety first, not extremists preoccupied with political games.

Joe is the leader we need to fight climate change in Congress. Add your name below to support his call for climate action.


Thank you for stepping up,

Team Kerr