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Editor's Note:

Since the New York Times' 1619 Project was unveiled and put into schools last year, numerous distinguished historians have decried the inaccuracies and distortions of this version of our country's founding. Thankfully, a group of African American academics, journalists, and business and community activists are working to correct this fatalistic narrative of victimhood for black Americans. Their initiative, called the 1776 Project, will offer clarity, truth, and inspiration about our country's history — a much-needed correction to the leftist agendas that permeate modern-day history lessons. This article first appeared in The Washington Free Beacon. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
February 19, 2020
New 1776 Project Aims to Counter ‘Lethal’ Narrative of 1619 Project

A group of predominantly African-American academics, journalists, entrepreneurs, and community activists on Friday launched one of the most significant challenges yet to the New York Times’s controversial 1619 Project, which is named for the year slaves arrived in Virginia and argues that the United States was founded on racism.

Bob Woodson, a leader in the African-American community who has spent his career fighting to stave off the cycle of poverty and crime, argued on Friday that the 1619 Project’s message — that life outcomes for African Americans are shaped by the history of slavery and Jim Crow — is a "lethal" narrative that perpetuates a culture of victimhood in the African-American community. During the launch of his new 1776 initiative, named for the year America was founded, Woodson said the new group would challenge those who assert America is forever defined by past failures.

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