
The following is a memorandum on behalf of AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer, Fred Redmond on the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom: 


This year marks the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the seminal event that brought together the labor and civil rights movements in the struggle for racial and economic justice. The AFL-CIO will be co-hosting the rally and commemoration alongside National Action Network, the Drum Major Institute and several other partner organizations on Saturday, August 26.   


As part of the commemoration, the AFL-CIO will uplift the critical roles labor leaders A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin played in shaping the march, as well as the contributions of unions in championing transformative legislation like the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. We also will celebrate the millions of working people who are currently organizing at historic rates nationwide to improve our workplaces and demand dignity and respect on the job. 


In the coming weeks, we will share more information about our involvement in the march, as well as resources you can share with your members and networks. We also would like to offer you the opportunity to make a financial contribution to the march and take part in this historic moment. Contribution checks should be made payable to AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer with “March on Washington” written in the memo line. The deadline for contributions is August 11. Your organization will be recognized for the amount contributed.


Thank you in advance for your support of the 60th March on Washington.










MALF Solidarity


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