Notes from the Executive Director
Dear AHS Friends and Supporters,
With the long and hot days of summer fully upon us, I hope you are taking time for rest and reflection.
I'm pleased to report that a first key step has been taken toward implementing Expanded Housing Options. Earlier this month, the County received the first ever applications for Expanded Housing Options that will help fill the gap of Missing Middle housing in Arlington. We're excited to see this movement toward creating a more diverse and inclusive Arlington for Everyone. We'll continue to monitor the process as it moves forward.
In the meantime, at AHS, it's been an incredibly busy time for us as we finalized our strategic plan and vision for positioning AHS as an even stronger and more effective voice for affordable housing in Arlington. As I said in my note last month, I am grateful for the many hours of work our board members put in to create this vision for moving AHS forward on its future path.
We continue to be hard at work on our 20th anniversary celebration on Sunday, November 19. As we prepare, we're doing a deep dive in the AHS archives. It's been amazing to look back at the work begun by our visionary founders, Ellen and Bill Bozman, and so many others. I look forward to sharing additional details in the very near future about how you can support and join us for the celebration! Be sure to stay tuned to our website and social media platforms for more information.
As always, we remain grateful for your assistance with, and investment in, all the work we do.
With Gratitude,
Langston Boulevard Area Plan Comment Opportunity - Ends July 30
In June, the County released the first draft of the Langston Boulevard Area Plan and hosted a series of open houses throughout the month of July to solicit public input. You are encouraged to weigh in via an online form by Sunday, July 30, which can be accessed via this link.
This is an opportunity for you to let the County know that Plan Langston Boulevard plays a critical role in Arlington meeting its previously stated goal of 2,500 Committed Affordable Units (CAFs) for this corridor.
From our review of the survey, AHS suggests responding “Very Comfortable” for all housing questions, should you wish to show your overall support for At Least what is in the Plan now. We further recommend that advocates for affordable housing supplement their responses with comments on issues AHS prioritizes, such as:
- The Plan should include language explaining the need for housing units at 30% Area Median Income (AMI) and add the need for a range of AMI's that are Up To 60% AMI—not just "at" 60% AMI.
- The Plan must find a way to achieve the 2,500 CAFs promised in the Affordable Housing Master Plan (AHMP).
- The Plan should articulate maximum flexibility when affordable units are being constructed, such as with lot size and lot consolidation, as well as with height and density bonuses.
- The Plan must include a firm commitment to an immediate review/update of the East Falls Church and Cherrydale plans, to help increase CAFs to help achieve 2,500 CAFs.
First Expanded Housing Option Permit Applications Received
On July 1, the County received the first round of Expanded Housing Options (EHO) permit applications. To coincide with the launch of EHO permits, the County has created a new webpage with information on EHO development standards and how to apply for a permit, as well as frequently asked questions, a permit tracker, and resources for both homeowners and potential applicants. The new website can be accessed at this link.
Arlington's Continuum of Care Strategic Plan to End and Prevent Homelessness
In June, the county released its Continuum of Care Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. The plan covers five key areas:
- Understanding the Role of Racial Equity in Arlington's Continuum of Care
- Domestic Violence & Homelessness
- Family Homelessness
- Single Adults Experiencing Homelessness
- Youth and Young Adult Homelessness
For more information on the plan, please go to the county's web page here.
AHS Signs On To CSG Letter
AHS was a signatory to the Coalition for Smarter Growth letter entitled CODE RED: A Call to Action for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.
The document calls on local government leaders "to take urgent action to address the great challenges of our times – climate change, housing, racial and economic inequity, sprawl and unsustainable transportation policies."
County's Homeowner Study Holds Community Workshop
The county's Homeownership Study held a community workshop on July 22 that explored possibilities for homeownership programs in Arlington and covered key themes from the online feedback tool.
To view the presentation, click here. To learn more about the Homeownership Study, click here.
Tannia Talento
Appointed to County Board
Tannia Talento was unanimously appointed to the Arlington County Board on Saturday, July 15, 2023, during the Board's regular meeting. She will serve out the term remainder of former Board member Katie Cristol, who stepped down July 4, 2023, according to a county press release.
AHS extends its heartiest congratulations to Talento, who is also a friend to affordable housing. We look forward to opportunities to work with her during her term.
Meet the AHS Board: Kathy Pryce-Jones
 Our July AHS Meet the Board spotlight is on Kathy Pryce-Jones, one of AHS' newest board members. Kathy has extensive experience in affordable housing policy on the federal, state, and local levels.
What drove your interest in AHS?
I have lived in Arlington since 2009 and I’ve seen many changes since I first moved here but I am increasingly concerned that Arlington is becoming less inclusive and more unaffordable. I have been familiar with AHS for many years and was impressed with the integral role AHS had in raising awareness on Missing Middle and Expanded Housing Options. I started to look for additional ways to give back directly to my community while utilizing my professional background in affordable housing. I eagerly applied for a position after seeing the solicitation for new board members.
What are your AHS goals for 2023?
As a new board member, my goals are to become familiar and comfortable in my new capacity. I also want to see the Plan Langston Boulevard approved with broad support and a greater emphasis on expanding affordable housing opportunities.
AHS 20th Anniversary
Logo Reveal!
AHS is celebrating 20 years of being Arlington's most trusted voice for Affordable Housing policy. We have created a special logo for this occasion. You will see this commemorative logo on our new website and other materials that we are launching to mark our anniversary.
To help us better understand where you get your AHS news and updates from, please complete this two question survey and let us know where we are reaching you.
You can access the survey here.
AHS is looking for committed and dedicated board members who want to lead the way in creating an Arlington for Everyone. Let us know if you have the time and interest in helping AHS advocate for affordable housing by completing the Volunteer Board Member Interest Form on our website, which you can access here!
Save the Date:
AHS 20th Anniversary Celebration!
Leckey Forum & Bozman Awards
Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 19th from 3:30pm - 7:30pm for an AHS 20th anniversary celebration featuring the Leckey Forum and Ellen M. Bozman Affordable Housing Awards. Stay tuned to AHS for more information!
Learn and Share in Policy Discussions
Become a member of the Alliance for Housing Solutions community on the platform to learn, share ideas, and be part of policy discussions. We currently offer the following groups:
This coalition of housing and service providers and advocates meets online monthly to share information, plan strategies, and advocate on a range of housing issues in Arlington. The next HAA meeting will take place Wednesday, August 9th at noon. Join here
Join a group of people committed to increasing the diversity of options and price points of housing in Arlington. Join here
In this group, homeowners, architects, and realtors ask questions, share best practices, and provide support for those interested in developing accessory dwellings. Join here
Increasing the supply of affordable housing through education, policy, advocacy, and innovation.